הסיפורים של Estonian
Welcome to a new day, a new start of life. Maybe a new day will be,in our logical sight. At the horizon, traces of morning. Clouds are so white, better […]
Let me tell you my story, my story of life.Since my story includes everything. Let me tell you my story,the one that I wrote,since the last spring. My story is […]
Once in a few years,it's seen so clear,that there is a hidden massage.On in a few years, it's very clear,that this is not a mirage. When it is so close,and […]
Hey, look at me, do you see?That I'm different. Hey, tell me please,if you see,that I was changed. Yes, from this moment on,I've got all I need,accept from one more […]
My head is up,I'm looking high high high,right into the blue endless sky. Shoulders pole, and head up high, my hand are my wing and I fly in the sky. […]
It hurts when a friend stop to talk with you,it hurts when you understand that you're alone. It hurts when you believe that no one loves you,when every little joy […]
Colliding, head infront of another head.ready to bash the other's mind. Colliding,fight with everyone. One day you'll see how you'll be gone. Colliding, is not what I want. Colliding, it's […]
Donnes! Les mots que tu dit à moi,tout les mots je attacherai à histoire. Je sais que mots est ne-plus pas de mots, que ne exist pas, c'est seulement une […]
Our wide-world, is not wide enough,to put the heaven inside the place. Heaven became a stolen gift, man-king has stolen this mass. If you want a golden ticket,to arrive this […]
Piano, piano, slow and steady. año después de año, till you'll be ready. Piano, piano, Rome wasn't built in a day, Espere unos pocos años,that's what they say. Running down […]
La mëto delvers na trop quele, jes puet etre mitro. Kak la plus-vite vie, kak la plus-vite metro. השעון מתקתק מהר מידי, לפעמים זה כל כך מהר.שנדמה שגם אם המחוג […]
Slow, slow, slow, take it slow. Step by step. Sometimes the world is seems to be so bad.People can't trust on each other.But before you utters a sentence, think, it's […]
Imagine what if we could live like we always wanted.Like tomorrow will be the same as today. Imagine if we all could live by our values,and we will never have […]
Where should I go, what should I know. In what called "My Life" What to do, me or you. And what is really "My life"? And every day we hear […]
Maybe a miracle will happen,I guess we can only hope. And one day, if it will come true, our smile could never ever stop. Oh, maybe a miracle will happen, […]
All the violins are getting ready for the show,grass is covered with the morning dew. And the creackets are sing the melody:good night, mon chérie. All the flowers are given […]
He loves me, that's what she said. He's with me, when I'm sad. He is waiting for me with his arms spread wide. Quiet as the wind,he whispers tenderly. He […]
There is a door in our avenue,of a house hidden behind a tree.There is a person no one likes, Mr. nobody. Mr. nobody lives there,and he's angry for the world. […]
Arrive avec moi, Allongez-vous sur l'herbe.Et les nuages chanterai "bonne nuit"Bonne nuit pour moi et toi. Arrive avec moi, Allongez-vous sur l'herbe.Et les nuages chanterai "bonne nuit"
If I had a god, I had someone to tell my troubles. Everything, I just feel, and I'm too afraid to share. He would share with me his pov. All […]
Si je pourrais choisir,et construire un monde de moi. Si je pourrais choisir, et ne demander pas "porquoi" Je voudrais être plus similaire de l'autres, et ils être comme moi. […]
Go away now, if you want to stay. All you can do in this point,is just run away. Do what you're really got at, do what you always did. Run […]
Je sente étrange,depuis quand je un étranger?Quoi est fairé aujourd'hui? qui suis-je? Maintenant, je ne sais pas. Je sente comme je volé une chose,et maintenant la police est apres moi.qui […]
Walking through the lights, another summer night. A new miracle is available in the sight. Nothing makes me fret,nothing is too late,nothing could never dim that light. Oh-oh-oh.Nothing bad could […]
זהו זה !! בא לי לצרוח בקול רם !! הגעתי ל – 1,000! אני ב – Euphoria מטורפת! זהו זה! השלמתי את ה – 1,000 (הראשון) שלי! זהו זה! עמדתי […]
אני כולי מתמלא באופוריה, אחרי שאני מסתכל על הצג ורואה שמתחת לשם שלי מופיע "998", כי זה אומר שעכשיו זאת הישורת האחרונה. זהו זה, תיכף אני כובש את האלף.מי היה […]
Do you know these guys, with their muscles, claims that they are all made of "boom boom boom", They talk about the girls, gossip on them, giving grades, and do […]
בחירות 2012 מפלגת אמבות ה-אמ-בות אוהבות ל-הע-תיק רעיונות מה-בקט-ריות.אם לא תצביעו להן הן יעשו עליכם -אמ-בוש.הא-מ-בות מ-פגר-ות חכ-מ-ות והן לא עושות -שגי-עוט קט-יו-.הן גם לא תמיד- מ-סמנות את ה-אות-יות הנכונות […]
בחירות 2012. מפלגת בקטריום. שמים בק בקלפי -בק-ור וגם בחום ה-בק-טריות אינן מתבטלות.הן מאוד חכמות והן -בק-יאות בנושאים שונים של חוכמה. הן חזקות מאוד בכתיבה ו-בק-ריאה. הן יודעות איך זה […]
מבוא: הרבה אנשים לא חושבים על כל היצורים הנגלים תחת עדשת מיקרוסקופ אבל ליצורים אלו יש דת.יש את הבקטריות עם הדת שלהם.הוירוסים עם הדת שלהםוהאמבות עם הדת שלהם.בספר זה ליקטנו […]