אני משתמש באתר כבר מה - 30/6/2011. כותב כבר מכיתה א'. אני מעדיף להישאר אנונימי, אבל אתם יכולים להמשיך לקרוא לי אור, זה בסדר. © כל הזכויות שמורות לעצמי, אני או אנוכי. אין להעתיק, לצלם, לקלוט, להפיץ בכל דרך אופטית, מכאנית וכדומה ללא רשות מהמוזכר למעלה. חבל. יש לכם פרצוף יפה.
פורסמו 3571 סיפורים
כותב באתר מתאריך 30.06.2011

הסיפורים של Estonian

Man is the measure of all things

Usually when we see a monkey, we think – what if he's our ancient father.We are better than the donkey, more effective and smarter. And we say that the birds […]


As quiet as the world can be.The fire's dancing in the hearth. And all that I can hear,is the music in my heart. And it whispers through the night,insomnia's choosing […]

Voler loin d'ici
11/12/2012 586 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

Voler loin d'ici, c'est tout les choses que je veux.Voler loin d'ici, où il y a plus que bleu. In every measure of humanity, you count the ability,of a person […]

Tomorrow I'll leave
10/12/2012 557 צפיות שירים באנגלית 2 תגובות

Don't be sad, don't be afraid,it's like you've always dreamt for,you always said that I interrupt.Don't make me go now,I still know love,but it's cannot stay like this. Ahh…This is […]

Don't ask
10/12/2012 784 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

Little by little, love to hate, taking advantages, determine the status. Watch from a distance of what you create. To never quit. You have so many tasks,don't be afraid, and […]

How fast we're getting used to good things

How fast we're getting used to good things,how fast we're getting used to nice things.We are making our way,blow the fears away,saving in ourselves almost everything.We are having fun,we forget […]

Come, step up

Come, step up, don't be shy now.Don't be afraid,there's nothing to hide. Come, step up,no one will eat you, Just step inside. Come, step up, because I missed you. Because […]

You're a good liar

You're a good liar. You're a good liar. Ha-ha. You're a good liar. You're a good liar. You're a good liar. Ha-ha. Telling all those lies you've told,well I'm fed […]

Oh no

Oh no, I'd never wanted.Oh no,I do not agree.Oh no,I didn't want to love you,Oh no,but you forced me. The stars shines from up above,yet they didn't come.The sky is […]

It's Greek to me

Everyone is talking about love or alike,telling me wonders about kisses and more. Saying how easy is to strike, and life's not like it were. I don't know a thing, […]

I hear your voice
09/12/2012 697 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

Some say that I am quite a fool,sitting on a hill and counting raindrops.Keep thinking I just want to go,to the peaceful place I know,which called home. I hear your […]


(All I ask is…)Why?Why do we have to die?Why?Why doesn't love surviver?Why do we cry? Why do we try?Who brought us here? In my heart – as empty as your […]

הארי פלנוטר
09/12/2012 1020 צפיות סיפורים מצחיקים 15 תגובות

"אבדה קדברה!" צעק הארי."הארי, אידיוט, זה לא יעזור לך!" קראה הרמיוני."בטח שכן!""הארי… אתה משחק פלונטר! איך לעזאזל זה יכול לעזור לך להרוג משהו?!" שאלה הרמיוני."קדימה, הארי," קרא רון. "יד ימין […]

The Guy In The Wall

"Who's that?" asked Arthur, pointing at the luxurious protrait of a guy with dark hair and round shaped head like an egg whose clothes were old fashined. A red lining […]

I don't know

I don't know what's going on there,I don't know who's the blame.I just know that I don't like it,and I don't like this game. I don't know.I don't know.I don't […]

Then you'll know the answer

Open your eyes, see where you are, I am here, and I can wait. The mind carries you through another path, but where?this is hard to get. You are there,you're […]

Not again

Not again, not over and over,I had enough.Why do you always make it rough? Not again, stop to mutter. you are making me upset,silence is better. Not again with these […]

Pas difficile
08/12/2012 640 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

C'est pas difficile a dire, c'est pas difficile a savoir. Je sais quand tu mentis, je peux voir. C'est pas difficile a croire, pas difficile a savoir. Pas difficile du […]

שיעור כפול

המורה שלנו לאנגלית קוראת לשיעור כפול "Double Period", כלומר, שיעור כפול. בשיעור כפול אפשר לאחר – כי יש עוד שעה. אפשר לבזבז קצת זמן – כי יש עוד שעה. הכל […]

איש הזאב
07/12/2012 912 צפיות סיפורים מצחיקים 6 תגובות

מערכת היחסים ביני לבין אבא שלי תמיד הייתה רעועה מאוד. אחרי כל הפעמים בילדות שלי שהוא גנב לי את האף, באיזשהו שלב זה כבר ממש הגיע למקומות בהם לא רציתי […]

I'll come back
07/12/2012 759 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

One day I'll come back, I promise,I swear that I'll be back. I'll come back. Days are melting to the night,and nothing seems to be going. It's like we are […]

אש וקור
07/12/2012 993 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

אני מנסה בשקט ללכת,אבל אני לא מסוגל.לאור היום נדמה שהעולם רוטט. ואני מרגיש בתוך תוכי,סערות כה עמוקות.והן שוצפות וגועשות. אש וקור, אש וקור,ככה אני מרגיש בפנים.אש וקור, אש וקור,שוב ושוב […]

My sin

My sin is not that big,my sin is not that strong.It didn't kill a thing,it's nothing you should be worried for. My sin isn't a sin for me,my sin is […]

Signpost of mood
07/12/2012 675 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

I am there, and I am waiting.From the inside I feel happiness. From my heart. I can't wait no more, I want to see it today.Gotta rule my world. From […]

Partners in crime

We are standing in the rain,and waiting for the end. The night is young, and everything's so right,we lit our fire tonight. And you whispered my ear, and we laughed […]

07/12/2012 579 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

Et quand tu dèsolè, mon cœur rèveille, et c'est pleure. Et le vent arrive à ici. Et tout le monde est noir et blanc,comme s'il morte aussi. La fenêtre est […]

I wonder

She is standing right there,beneath the apple tree.And I'm here, 'Neath another tree,and I am gazing at her. She stuns me in a million ways,the way she talks, her flashy […]

I'm looking at the blue blue skies

People always say that I'm living in a dream land, people always say that I usually disappear. That suddenly, in one moment, my eyes are glazed, and I'm leaving the […]

Believe in peace
07/12/2012 639 צפיות שירים באנגלית תגובה אחת

Soon the rain will fall down,soon the air will be clean,soon the mountains won't look so high. And from each and every window,no one would cling his pillow,because it will […]

Follow my heart

There is a secret that none of us know, a secret that was sealed years ago.Could we decipher the ancient code?if it's exist like we've been told. There are some […]