אני משתמש באתר כבר מה - 30/6/2011. כותב כבר מכיתה א'. אני מעדיף להישאר אנונימי, אבל אתם יכולים להמשיך לקרוא לי אור, זה בסדר. © כל הזכויות שמורות לעצמי, אני או אנוכי. אין להעתיק, לצלם, לקלוט, להפיץ בכל דרך אופטית, מכאנית וכדומה ללא רשות מהמוזכר למעלה. חבל. יש לכם פרצוף יפה.
פורסמו 3571 סיפורים
כותב באתר מתאריך 30.06.2011

הסיפורים של Estonian

Girls and boys
10/01/2013 744 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

Look straight ahead (ahead), we're almost dead (dead). What do we keep for the next generation?Will us be vanished of the evolution? It's up to you, it's up to you […]

Another dream
10/01/2013 668 צפיות שירים באנגלית 2 תגובות

I'm jumping from a cloud to another.Every cloud is like another dream.I wish I could live there, but it's can't be. Every night I go to sleep,waiting for something. And […]

השקט שלפני הסערה
08/01/2013 831 צפיות סיפורים קצרים 3 תגובות

שני המגבים רדפו זה אחר זה, דוחפים את טיפות הגשם מהשמשה הקדמית. הצינה הורגשה באוויר, חודרת אפילו דרך הקרום הבררני של המעיל ושכבות הבגדים שלבשתי.האורות נראו עמומים, מטושטשים, כאילו לא […]

I've been waiting for you

Ah,ah,ah,ha,ha,ah,ah,ah,ah,ha,oh.Ah,ah,ah,eh,ah,ah,ah,ah,eh,eh,oh. For a very long time I was trying to move on. For a very long time I couldn't even sleep.Why didn't you come?What made you be so late?What is […]

Listen, I'm weary

Look at the one little tear on my chick,my sheet of the past is turning blue. The colours are fading out,memories of the past. Play it for me for the […]

As if I believed

Many many times I've heard you saying,that you love me very much.I knew you're lying from the start, it wasn't that hard to guess. From the first time I saw […]

Je Partirai
06/01/2013 737 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

Tout les émotions qui sont parti,et tout les mots d'hier que reste à moi maintenant.Et tout les moment de ma vie, Comment peux-tu mentir et sourire simultanément? Je veux partir, […]

טיק טק טיק
06/01/2013 966 צפיות שירים 26 תגובות

טיק, טק, טיק, טק, טיק, טק, טיק. כל היום, כל מה שאני עושה זה לרדוף אחרי הזמן, זה לא אנושי. איך אפשר להדביק אותו בכלל?הוא רץ כל כך מהר, הוא […]

אני אוהב את ישראל
06/01/2013 813 צפיות שירים 2 תגובות

אני מרגיש כל כך טוב, וזה קל להיות חזק, כשכל לבבות האנשים הם אחד.היום עולה, והשמש כבר צהובה, מכריזה על יום חדש – עוד יום מיוחד. אני יושב מתחת לעץ […]


The waves breaks on the shore,it breaks the sand quietly.It seems like the sun sets down,and all the water sleep peacefully. I feel it deep inside,inside my mind.I can feel […]

The world is yours

We're all participants, walking hand in hand. Because the world is our present,we must make it to our pleasant, because the world is ours, yeah, yeah. Come and join us […]

05/01/2013 686 צפיות שירים 2 תגובות

Even if you stand across the sea,you will feel the heat.It's some kind of an energy,like an international hit.It goes through my soul strings. It goes on, like a sensation,it […]


Nebo is in your eyes,though heaven is more than blue. Look above, it matches yours,as if it was stolen by you. Nebo, is other there, we're just underneath.Playing long games […]

A more
05/01/2013 691 צפיות שירים 2 תגובות

A more, a more, a more. A more, a more, a more. A more, a more, a more. A more, a more, a more. Via, la la la. A more, […]


And everything you're saying is flying by my ear. I don't really listen; all I do is just to hear. I never really thought of it, but now I'm sure.You […]

Just growing up

I imagine a warm picture in my head,the sky is blue and sun is red.I imagine an apple tree,some ants, a flying bee. Beneath that tree there is,I am sitting […]

I shouldn't have

Oh yeah. You're trying to play it cool, acting your role so carefully. But you are more like a fool,because you're only talking loftily. My words will never ever leave […]

Harry Potter and the annoying kids – chapter 15

"Your dad ,Draco? Is not your father" said the weird creature. "He doesn't?" asked Scorpius. "No!" Said the creature "your real father is strong, powerful but a big stupid". "Who […]

Harry Potter and the annoying kids – chapter 14

'I have a most horrible father in whole fucking universe. He's the son of darkest my nightmares and Edgar Allen Poe. He's just bitter, old bastard, who would run away […]

Harry Potter and the annoying kids – chapter 13

Hugo Weasley"Hi!" said Hugo. He just so a kid that look like Lily."Hugo?!" asked the girl and turn around."Hi Lily, do you want to be together?" asked Hugo."Are you like […]

Harry Potter and the annoying kids – chapter 12

She had no idea what was wrong with her when she decided marry that moron. Yes, he was a boy, who lived, a hero… But now he's just pile of […]

Une bisou, c'est tout
04/01/2013 689 צפיות שירים אין תגובות

Parfois, c'est très stupide, juste sourir sans une raison.Qui a dit que la vie doit être tel vide?Parfois, c'est juste agréable s'asseoir, et simplement faire rien. Tu sais combien c'est […]

I don't believe in miracles

Seems like the world's spinning as its want, it doesn't really pay attention at us. It's getting hotter, and what's not,and life is moving, its pass. Try to explain its […]

Tell me, tell me

I'm standing here, and I'm waiting much,I'm feeling like I'm going for it.You eyes are like two volcanoes,and probably you can't control it. I see that you are passionful,I see […]

I have a song just for you

I have a song just for you, I keep away from all those eyes that laugh.I have a song just for you,waiting to be sung, one day, I promise you. […]

Make it right

I don't really care of what you're doing,I don't pay attention at all.I don't give my mind around it,I am a free soul. My spirit is moving across the world,searching […]

My secret illusion

My head spins so fast, I might lose it all, it goes so deep, soon I'll fall. Am I crazy? What do you think?Am I loosing it, or maybe win?I […]

Music sounds around the world
01/01/2013 627 צפיות שירים באנגלית תגובה אחת

Everywhere you will choose to go,the music will be played.Some are those you know,some will be strange. It's the magic of the music that the lyrics doesn't count,the music touch […]

Go up the river

Go up the river, go up to the sun.Go back to where you came from.Go back to your roots,make a mistake. Go up the river. Go up the river,follow your […]

משחק גורל

אתם מבינים, לא תמיד תוכניות עובדות כפי שהן אמורות לעבוד. בימי שני שלי, בהם אני לומד מתמטיקה עד 19:15 מהשעה 16:00, אני נשאר בבית הספר שלי, אך הולך בצהריים לאכול […]