The world turns the wrong way, that what people say today. That there is something wrong nowadays, and these days are here to stay. The world turns the wrong way, […]
Everything has been done, everything has been done. Like the weather that was changed, the ants are visiting again, and every door bell ringing with an excitement, yes, everything has […]
Everything is black and white, there is wrong, and there is right. And there's always a choise, a choise between these two. And there is always fales and true,and there […]
It's heppening every time, but don't dare you to say:that when I walk, it just begins to be that way. It's heppening every time, and it always the same. Don't […]
Head up straight,looking high, high, high. Searching for a new advanture. Beneath the sun,where you can always be, there you are always a picture. While I was there, and you […]
Sorry if I didn't know to say, what I really think of you. Don't laugh at me. I'm sorry for every time,you were angry or depressed. Or anytime that you […]
When the day becomes a night, only then I have time to think.When it so dark outside, sad, cold, depressed and bleak.And it seems like fate has made a problem, […]
Closely, we have been watching the stars, the scent of the waves, which in our ears, they char.The night is ruling, black and dark as a tar. And I hear […]
You sent me your dreams, and I sent you my doubts. I was calming you, yet, there's a "but" Dreams are like a flower, and they become oranges. And the […]
Day can only lead to the night, and the night will bring the day. No matter how we want the else, no matter what we'll say,the nature writes the rules, […]
Come and find me, and I will gigle for a while, come and get me, I am far from you almost ten miles. It was quiet funny how fast you […]
I know your style, you run like a headless chicken, I know your moves, after lot of time I know you.If you really think that I wasn't listening to you, […]
The all big world is just one place, which rules on it, everybody chase. A day is just few hours together, yet, sometimes it looks like forever. This is the […]
When the music dies, all the trees are standing. No wind want to pass through them. When the music dies, all the roads are empty, no car want to ride. […]
Listen to the horizon, listen to the wind that blows in the garden. Listen, to the silence of this place.Listen. Watch the darkness take control, upon all the mountain in […]
When the sun will rise, don't close your eyes,since you'll lose all the light. When you'll realise,don't you close your eyes, until you'll sleep at the night. Eyes are your […]
There's a trumpet player in the street, and she is watching it. She threw a coin into the hat, that's how they met. He played her a new song. She […]
Today I was writing to you this song,this song of the summer melody.For the first day of summer, when the sun is shining high, and every corner shines. This is […]
I was travling,to almost everywhere, and this trail leaded me,to my dreams. I was looking into the world eyes,and I so what called "Nature"And what I saw is nothing less […]
We all born with dreams, and we all earn goals, and we're aiming high. We all born with the ability, to do our best and fly. The right to dream […]
I hate what it takes’cause it takes all I haveLeaving me barefootTo follow my bloodSketching crimson linesOn the steamin hot coldThat has been my sidewalk of lifeSeventeen year old.
Dancing shades upon my wall, at the sky, the moon is gone, and my light is been dimed. And I hear the wind yearns, in the wintery breeze, and it's […]
I know your steps, I know when exectly you lie. I know your steps, I guess by my own when you try, to make fool our of me, I know […]
Coming Home P Diddy I'm coming home I'm coming home Tell the World I'm coming home Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday I know my kingdom […]
Quiet breeze yearns in the fileds,all the people quiet as well. After the night fell. And the flashlights of the streets, are lightining stray moths,and an hour is like a […]
For as long as I remember,For as long as I've been blue.The memories burn like embers, since I met you. Ever since life were continued, and the time was equals […]
Follow your heart,follow your heart. Follow your heart. Believe me – there's nothing true, more than what you do, when you follow your heart. Choose your way, don't just say, […]
We were burn like two branches of lilac,and you said that you love me. And I didn't know how to respons to you, so I keep on silence. Few years […]
I am standing storng, I've overcome the sadness in my life. Now, I look up and see, the stars come down around me, and it's reflacting in your eyes. I […]
I have a magic song, this song is clear and true.In a wave of a conducter's wand, and this is what he can do: The statue of librety,a cup of […]