Let me tell you my story, my story of life.Since my story includes everything. Let me tell you my story,the one that I wrote,since the last spring. My story is […]
Once in a few years,it's seen so clear,that there is a hidden massage.On in a few years, it's very clear,that this is not a mirage. When it is so close,and […]
Hey, look at me, do you see?That I'm different. Hey, tell me please,if you see,that I was changed. Yes, from this moment on,I've got all I need,accept from one more […]
My head is up,I'm looking high high high,right into the blue endless sky. Shoulders pole, and head up high, my hand are my wing and I fly in the sky. […]
It hurts when a friend stop to talk with you,it hurts when you understand that you're alone. It hurts when you believe that no one loves you,when every little joy […]
Colliding, head infront of another head.ready to bash the other's mind. Colliding,fight with everyone. One day you'll see how you'll be gone. Colliding, is not what I want. Colliding, it's […]
Our wide-world, is not wide enough,to put the heaven inside the place. Heaven became a stolen gift, man-king has stolen this mass. If you want a golden ticket,to arrive this […]
Piano, piano, slow and steady. año después de año, till you'll be ready. Piano, piano, Rome wasn't built in a day, Espere unos pocos años,that's what they say. Running down […]
La mëto delvers na trop quele, jes puet etre mitro. Kak la plus-vite vie, kak la plus-vite metro. השעון מתקתק מהר מידי, לפעמים זה כל כך מהר.שנדמה שגם אם המחוג […]
Slow, slow, slow, take it slow. Step by step. Sometimes the world is seems to be so bad.People can't trust on each other.But before you utters a sentence, think, it's […]
Imagine what if we could live like we always wanted.Like tomorrow will be the same as today. Imagine if we all could live by our values,and we will never have […]
Where should I go, what should I know. In what called "My Life" What to do, me or you. And what is really "My life"? And every day we hear […]
Maybe a miracle will happen,I guess we can only hope. And one day, if it will come true, our smile could never ever stop. Oh, maybe a miracle will happen, […]
He loves me, that's what she said. He's with me, when I'm sad. He is waiting for me with his arms spread wide. Quiet as the wind,he whispers tenderly. He […]
There is a door in our avenue,of a house hidden behind a tree.There is a person no one likes, Mr. nobody. Mr. nobody lives there,and he's angry for the world. […]
If I had a god, I had someone to tell my troubles. Everything, I just feel, and I'm too afraid to share. He would share with me his pov. All […]
Go away now, if you want to stay. All you can do in this point,is just run away. Do what you're really got at, do what you always did. Run […]
Walking through the lights, another summer night. A new miracle is available in the sight. Nothing makes me fret,nothing is too late,nothing could never dim that light. Oh-oh-oh.Nothing bad could […]
Do you know these guys, with their muscles, claims that they are all made of "boom boom boom", They talk about the girls, gossip on them, giving grades, and do […]
Love is not an object, nothing that you can touch. Love is not a subject, it's not tangible much. Love is nothing you can use, to cheat your vicious games. […]
.I'm asking myself, all the timeWhy there is discrimination?Why there is racism?Why do people fight each other?why do people hate each other? why??!why??! .And I can't find an answers.I can't
It's the morning that rising, setting on the question,which we will discover, what was hiding in. And the sky is clear, without a staining cloud. Nothing will happened if you'll […]
The spring has arrived, now we can all hear,the birds are finally came back, they sing: na na na na. The spring has arrived, the snow is melting. And now […]
Hello sweet people, how do you feel? Walking along, with fancy shows and high heels. Doing what's on your minds, thoughts are black as the tar. Living in your safe, […]
When you're feeling gloomy, and lonely or sad, if you just feel a little bad. If you're looking for someone to talk to, because you're too sad or blue. Just […]
I love the little things, that no one else is giving attention to. Like the bench in the street, painted white and blue. I love the little things, like this […]
I admire Anne-Marie-David, and I also love the work of Mozart. I worship the music of Beathoven, so where do I start. I like Joan Rolling, and Sigmund Freud. I […]
Listen, friend,you sure know how to play. Listen, friend, what else can I say. Yes, I know you won, and I guess also everyone, can see that you sure do. […]
Oh I just love my little world, I don't need no new sensations. Yes, I do love my little world, where the key word is "celebration" It's not anything about […]
The wind carries memories of a time,That seems so far away, but it will better for all of us. The days will pass before you'll notice,and you wish they wouldn't […]