Now, do you understand why. I don't owe you any answer.Don't you ask yourself why,don't you have any desire. Don't raise your hands, it's not the time to quit. Take […]
Without words to describe,without words to ruin this moment. Words, they are sometime,as awful as a vomit. Words can only break,our cards tower. Who needs words when you have,such a […]
I was coming to the old place,to visit my home. Where I was born, where I grew. Where I was laughing,and somethimes even crying. Home. I was looking very close […]
All the way through the seas,there's a country not so far. Brightning brightly in the darkness, like a remarkable star. In this place where drums are beaten,and the beat lives […]
I'm sitting next to the table,gazing at the candle light.Is my life stable? Is it stable tonight? As I'm staring through the fire,I know this is not true.Maybe it's because […]
Take my hand, come a little closer. Tell me what you feel about your world. Is there something good,I'll take anything,just make sure it will be understood. If you say […]
My only weekness – my achilles heel, this is my high heels. Wow! Hop hop hop hop. I have a wekness to shoes, I don't like to throw them, I […]
I've got all my life infront of me,lots of things to have, to fin.But there will be always a doubt, of what could have been. Of what I could have […]
Well, my dream can fly away, because I'm making it today. (What's that?)The skies are clear, the limit's high.And I would try to make it fly. And not even time […]
Just maybe, I'm crazy,the world spins round and round and round,never stop spin, never stop spin.never stop spin, never stop spin. I want you,to be with me, as I go […]
One to a hundred,multiplied by you.It all looks great,it all looks good.Healthy family, do what they do.My sister's in love,my brother loves too. Oh in the distance,oh haven't you noticed,what […]
There are so many people in this world,so many personlities to choose from. There are more than one "the one", but there is one that you know. The one that […]
when you wolk on the grond i fell safe'a a a a a a fell safefell safe when you step with your foot i fell love fi-fell lovefell love whan […]
I want to stand thereBy your sideTell you my feelings,Every think or mind.I want to be there,But I guess you don’t care.I can't see any direction,I will never reach youOnly […]
Mai abans m'he sentit al final del camí,I ara sé que és així.No hi ha res que puguem salvar,Ara sé que aquest cop he perdut la partida,Ha arribat el final. […]
Once I met a rascal person, he was dating with thousands girls. And he never loved any of them. But trust me I'm not him,I'm not a rascal, I'd really […]
Apple, apple, apple,is sitting on the table. Apple, apple, apple,red like syrup maple. Do you know that you are the cause for the sin,but I know you're not bad, you're […]
I have a little conch, which I find on the sea-shore. and I want to make a neckless,and therefore: I would buy the string,I would make a hole.One day it […]
What could I ask today?it seems like there's no more to say. No more to do, no more of you,what should I say? If I had one wish,of course it […]
What would you rather to be?good or happy?If you had to choose between the two,what would you do? Good person who loves the world,or happy person who have the joy.Good […]
Se un giorno tu tornassi da me, dicendo che,È stato un errore lasciarmi andare lontano, lontano da te.Se un giorno tu parlassi di me, dicendo che,Sono il tuo rimpianto e […]
Let me dream my dream,because your rays are melting them.You shoot ice beam,and glamourous of fame. Would you stop doing it?I want to have some joy. Something you can't beat,maybe […]
And you came to me quietly,whispered tenderly, things that made me wonder. And you left,and I was so alone,now that you are gone,pain under cover. There's no need in words […]
כשאני הולך ברחוב מחזיק במפתחות,נדמה שכל דבר שאני רואה קשור לקרבות.אפילו אני,הופך לעצבני, בכל לֵבֵנָה בדרך הביתה. וכל העולם נלחם, כך אומרים בחדשות,ואני מבין שהעולם רואה שחורות.אפילו הם,כועסים ללא רָחֵם, […]
Miss Smith is not a fool,extrordinary and also cool.While she's giving me a kiss with her puffy lips,I know this is a devil kiss. She burns my cheek so hardly […]
Look at yourself now. Check what are you doing. All the lies that you have sold.What have I heard,what did you do,why do it feel so cold? I can put […]
I'm touching a star in my imagination,and I can cull him to my hand.One day I'll reach to this place,and I'll see it with my own eyes. One day I […]
I was walking on the empty streets, try to find my place.Then I've reached home,but yet it's not the same.I have a fear that I've been forgotten. Something is rotten,something […]
Do you know what I've noticed,it's a funny fact, you know.Even though it's winter,we're wearing spring clothes. Maybe it shows our feelings,maybe it shows what we want.I know this is […]
Ugliness is ugly,everyone knows it,it's a fact. A fact. You can deny the fact,and say it's okay,and turn away your head. And you'll say you see the inner-light, in one […]