These are my dreams, these are my feelings. This is actually me.I cannot deny,I must admit. My dreams may tumble down,but I will not give up,my dreams are in my […]
I was calling out, I was searching,on and on and on. I cannot take much long,I need a break.I kept on walking,instead of thinking.And now I cannot do that. Round […]
Tum-tu-dum-tum-tu-dum-tum-tum. (ta-ta-ta-tum-ta-tum-tam-tam)Tam-tam-tam-tum-tam-tam-tu-dum(Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-tu-ta) All my days of the week,are mixed spotlessly in my mind.And no memory will ease them now. I'm feeling strong,I can live along,fantasies. Tum-tu-dum-tum-tu-dum-tum-tum. (ta-ta-ta-tum-ta-tum-tam-tam)Tam-tam-tam-tum-tam-tam-tu-dum(Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-tu-ta)Tum-tu-dum-tum-tu-dum-tum-tum. (ta-ta-ta-tum-ta-tum-tam-tam)Tam-tam-tam-tum-tam-tam-tu-dum(Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-tu-ta) I am […]
You've got yourself a prize,for my opinion it's the biggest. Soon or late – you'll realise,how great is it. And when you'd like to find me, and you wouldn't know […]
This is the time to melt the ice, this is the time to understand. This is the time of mine. This is the time to move on,this is the time […]
Vuelvo a mirar, tus ojos son un volcán,No escaparás, tu fuego dirá la verdad.No importa si quieres o no, porque hoy mando yo. I am ready, come on and shake […]
On and on I've tried to move it along,but I cannot stay strong.You're saying things and later regret,try to make me forget. I don't know if we had passed it, […]
Easy, easy to erase so many years of your past,to surrender just because the world is too vast.To believe that you can't ever acchive a high position, have no ambition. […]
Have you ever tried to reach the stars?or maybe just looking so far,if you haven't you are must be obtuse.So many places to go or see,so many charachters for you […]
I can hear again the breeze through the trees, the scent of the leaves. The sweet sound when they are crumbled. At the summer's nights, to the torches' light,any shadow […]
This is a book,this book has pages.All the pages are blanked with ink. These pages,have few meanings,though it mostly says what I think. There are my feelings on a paper, […]
Even if I'd want, I can't.I don't want, I can't, I haven't got, leave me alone. I don't want to go home again, it is nothing for me,I know I'm […]
Let me sing you a song,it will describe exactly how I feel.Either weak or strong, this is my personal zeal. Euphoria is not a curse,it's not a swear I swear.Gladfully, […]
I spilled so many clues,but no one have noticed. No one wasn't really care. I feel lost now,no one actually care about me, or about my life, or anything that […]
My day and nights,long time ago they were gone. Now they come in one and only piece.And they're living in peace. My days became my wounds and my nights became […]
I'm too excited to think,too excited to live. I'm excited before tomorrow. There will be no sorrow,when you'll sing tomorrow,I'm excited for you. Don't be afraid,it will end,and I'm still […]
If one daythe world will be goneIf all who I love won't stand by my sideThen it feels wrongAnd I won't be belongI know I must to stay strong This […]
She don't care of the beatels,don't care of the notes.The only things she reads are the yellow magasines. She don't care of modern music,no classic, no rock, no ballad. She's […]
How strange is this feeling,when love invades your soul.It makes feel alive,and it breaks your walls. No not a door,even more,is open wide,For you. How strange is every second then,when […]
When the world is spinning fast too fast, I just keep on going forward.And I lose my faith in gravity,it can't be possible. Whatever standing in my way,we'll pass it […]
I am gazing at the wall, Is my quest and venture mode? Because my world is not right, nothing's good in sight. Oh, what shall we do? My Galileo, slow […]
When I was younger, I remeber our hearth.I remeber how young where we,dancing together out of breath. At our parents house, there we grow up together. We were fighting over […]
I can feel again how I miss it much,I've never seen it since I was younger.Now I miss it, much too much,the old house somewhere. Nostalgia, here it comes again. […]
What was happening,why did you have to leave me.Now I want those answers, better today.Now that it's all over,I'm trying make it sober,but I simply can't.It's too hard to understand. […]
I used to know a girl,man, she was so amazing. I was totally in love, no matter a thing. They way she had spoken,the way she looked at me.My heart […]
Here it comes again, here I can feel it again. I can feel the heat – it's coming right to me.I can see the world in sight,I can feel the […]
No more for the fights,no more for strives.No more for a long-long distance. No more for what's wrong,no more of beauty songs.I'm tired, I want to live my life. No […]
Oh, how I need some happy pills,especially now that I'm lost. Being happy against my will,do not think about the cost. Oh, how I'd like some happy pills,when my day […]
How another day can pass so fast?I know the world is big, but it's simply vast. Everthing's too fast for me for a deed, hey, world,world, mind your speed. I […]
Don't believe to everything you hear,don't believe to the people that say that you can't.They just want to hurt you,they do not care about you. They want to hurt and […]