שירים באנגלית

Diamonds and pearls

People today asks for too much, they want so many stuff.Like a big house,like a grand new car. They say the money doesn't grow on trees,so they have to work […]


They're going every night,to the light of the stars. With their masks and tragedy. And they are wearing weird clothes, and they are accompayned by the chours, and they are […]

My heart goes boom

I have nothing to hide,I have nothing more to say.I can be another,or maybe at the other day? I am exited,sometimes I'm delighted,but mostly I feel good. And when I'm […]

When the angel sleep

When the angels sleep,no one can wake them up.They are sleeping so breathless. They fall down on their pillows,fall into a sweet-sweet dream, They don't want to see our evilness. […]

What life is?

What life is, if it ends so fast?What life is, if it brings so maby pain. If life should've been good,probably it would be equals.But yet, it's not even close. […]

Las Vegas

Down in Nevada, in the big dessert of the U.S.A. There's a place where it's always oppesite day.At the days it's quiet and silence,but at night it's breezy and noisy. […]

No goodbyes

I didn't know you will be leaving,I hoped you left a message.Maybe something interesting or good, even one page. No more runaways,no more lies.No more cheatings,no more crys. No more […]

The secret is love

When I close my eyes,I fall into a dream.I see lots of people,having fun and peace.The sun is shining brightly, rainbows in the sky. Why it's can't be right? We're […]

All up to you

It's all up to you now,now it's your time to chose. Make it wise,make it all right.Chose carefully. It's all up to you, and now this is your chace. You […]

We've got the sky

We've got ourselves the winter,and the summer and autumn too.The spring was ours long ago. For a very long time,we've been looking for another thing to have. Because we can […]

Is It Only Me

I lay here in the dark, thinking about todayWondering if tommorow I will come back here againAnd as the doubt is kicking in, Im thinking to myselfWhat will it feel […]

The will to live

The will to live is stronger and stronger every minute that passing by, it's what drives you out of your bad untill the day turns into night. The will to […]

Knock on the wood

Bad luck comes in and leaves, but it never stays. It's harder than it seems, it's still ruining my day. Good luck comes at birthdays,but sometimes it's over. And it […]

Stronger every minute – New Version

Something has changed, because I didn't feel like this before. It's like a new world was born.Someone's trumming on my soul's strings.I know that someone is there.Somehow I do not […]


Life is a rare component. Hard to make, hard to keep, hard to creat. Life is the missing part,it's where everything starts. Life is what everyone are fighting for,what everyone […]

Stronger every minute

Wherever I go, I feel it there – shines and glows. Oh, then, I know it will never fade away. Then I feel better,to know that this is there – […]

Right now

Right now. Life's moving forward-forward,too fast – I must say. I am going over and over, try to make my day.I am taken into advantures – preamature feelings. Baby's will […]

One life

What are you going to do?Do you live? well, do you?The fact you are breath doesn't say you are alive, the true meaning is to put them on your drive. […]

On top of the world

On top of the world I'm calling out your name,on top of the world I am searching.I'm looking for something else,I'm looking, I'm looking. On top of the world I […]

Listen to me

Listen to me while I'm speaking to you,listen better, look at me now. Listen – hear my plea,listen just for me,listen to me. If you'd like to talk,talk to me,I […]

Believe me

Believe me, I just don't care,if you are here or there.If you'll chose to go or stay,I will stay that way. In my head every minute is like a nightmare,but […]

You are an angel

Oh, oh, oh, woh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.Oh-oh-oh,woh-oh-oh-oh-oh. You are the sunlight between my blinds,you are my savior, you are my everything.I feel alone – like I am made of stone,but you are not […]


Over fildes of gold,looking at the world.The whole town's beautiful from up above.From the point of the dove. Through golden gates,advanture begins. And I just too sad that you're not […]

Give me your like

Come-on, surf on the intrnet,into an advanture you'll never forget. Come-on, the web is waiting for you, clicking – is all you have to do. Share your thoughts into the […]


hitchhiking! I'm talking a ride to the old town,not old, quiet new, I know. Taking a car which doesn't belong to me at all. I'm making my way, towards to […]

Living, breathing, you know

You know I'm living, breathing, you know. Making my life anyway. Making it slow and steady,come-on, are you ready?I will add some flames into your eyes. Yeah, yeah. Living, breathing, […]


How much I want to become famous,for what I did, for the things that I do.Famous, which everyone know,and everyone adore. I want to be a famous singer,I want to […]

Hasta la vista

Hasta la vista, goodbye. Cao.Au revoir. See-ya. When I say goodbye,I know I'm free again. Life is back to be insane.Oh, I love it. When I say goodbye,I can be […]

please dont read thet

This is the end of the story A little kiss for goodbyeMaybe the hero dieCause this is the endOf the storyAnd now you gonna fill like meDid is a dream […]

Cool Vibes (הכוונה היא לויברציות קרות. לא מגניבות)

Don't rush it, don't lead me to the cold,don't say it, don't you dare to say a word,don't do that, though people say that you're my enemy.I know you do […]


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