שירים באנגלית

its been a while

It's been a while since I saw you last, looking at me from behind this glass."Run away, leave me alone, you are ugly,you aren’t real." you look at me with […]

My sin

My sin is not that big,my sin is not that strong.It didn't kill a thing,it's nothing you should be worried for. My sin isn't a sin for me,my sin is […]

Partners in crime

We are standing in the rain,and waiting for the end. The night is young, and everything's so right,we lit our fire tonight. And you whispered my ear, and we laughed […]

I wonder

She is standing right there,beneath the apple tree.And I'm here, 'Neath another tree,and I am gazing at her. She stuns me in a million ways,the way she talks, her flashy […]

I'm looking at the blue blue skies

People always say that I'm living in a dream land, people always say that I usually disappear. That suddenly, in one moment, my eyes are glazed, and I'm leaving the […]

Believe in peace

Soon the rain will fall down,soon the air will be clean,soon the mountains won't look so high. And from each and every window,no one would cling his pillow,because it will […]

Follow my heart

There is a secret that none of us know, a secret that was sealed years ago.Could we decipher the ancient code?if it's exist like we've been told. There are some […]

Come to dance with me

Come to dance with me through waves of adventures,come to dance with me, like in those pictures,where the cute couples are dancing all the night, come to dance with me, […]

The stars

The moon is looking at me,the sun has a smile.And the lights shines through,to a distance of miles. The stars are watching,to keep it alive.And I'm singing, this for my […]

Through the golden river

It's hard to say, hard to know. What if we all were so wrong. And what if we, yes, you and me,could it be that we're strong? Forward,all the world's […]

Out of the blue

Out of the blue, it was changed.Like a magic. A spell fell on our roads,we saved in our attics. Something could've been years ago,but no suddenly it goes. Out of […]

One Thing

Did somebody dare to tell you what's right?What colour to wear, to laugh or tear? Do you really want to give up the fight?Do you have fun drowning in fears? […]

Let me fly

You, you are my best friend,you should know the best. Don't say it. You, you are the best of me, you are what I want to be,so don't say it. […]

Let me love you

We are standing here, and we're waiting.I'm drying the tears, and you look so happy. Don't give up now,we still got the chance.Let me take care of all. Let me […]

From Somewhere

From somewhere I've heard the voice,it was whispering through the icy air.And that sound was like a force, from nowhere. From somewhere, I've heard that voice.It was cold, and sad, […]

Show me the way

Show me the shortest way to your heart, it will save lot of time that we'd waste. Give me the chance,I promise, you won't regret.You'd be my princess. Show me […]

Beyond belief

Open your eyes, feel your heartbeat.Imagine the sun in the middle of the sky.And smile. Forfeiting the past, believing in something else. Traveling to the remotest places,to another dream. Beyond […]

Get Alive

Soon or late you will have to choose,light your fire or just lose. Just because you breath you're not alive, so go out now and get a life. It worths […]

Shining Stars

I'm staring at the dark skiesBreathing the fresh air.Looking at a thousand starsI understand now, I'm aware.Bright stars,Cover the matte ones – Those stars that are almost invisible.And it makes […]


I wanted to fit inI wanted to be one of themSo I was forced to changeAnd now I'm one of themJust as I wantedI'm one of themBut I've become the […]

Your heart belongs to me

Do not fall in love with a fool,he will broke your heart, will break the golden full.Believe me, I know exactly what not to do.It maybe seems a little stupid,like […]

Music for two cents

Just go to the street,walk a little on the pavement,you will see.The street players are playing on and on.They take their pianos and maybe organs,go to play and earn some […]

Jack in the box

When you don't want me,I'm locked.It's like I don't even exist.When you need me, then I'm found. And I cannot resist. I'm just your jack in the box, when your […]

To Dream Again

Once upon a time,I believed those fairytales. I thought that one day I'll find,the princess. No towers, no witches,just more obsticles to pass.And I've lost my wishes, just a complicated […]

I've seen this film before (Vertigo)

Here I go,like you know,loving you gives me a vertigo.My head spins,of your sins,and I'm lost. And I give, and you take,and I've done the same mistake. I've seen this […]

Never back again

Harmed soul,glazed look. Nothing at all, just what you took. Never ever again,I don't want to feel this pain.It's too much for me. I cannot take it anymore, I want […]

To the stars – New Version

Did somobody dare to tell you what's wrong or right? What colour to wear, to laugh or cry?Do you feel like you wasted your time all day long to the […]

Nomads In The Night

Chasing after the darkness,as the wind blows their way.There is simply nothing,to help them pass the day. As the clouds break,this is their sign. Put their selves at stake, they […]

התרגוש שלי לשיר – mean של טיילור סוויפט

אתה עם המילים שלך כמו סכינים חרבות וכלי נשק שאתה משתמש בהם נגדי . אתה, שכבר הפיל אתי מהרגליים נותן לי הרגשה כאילו אני כלום . אתה , עם הקול […]

התרגום שלי לשיר – c'omon c'omon של וואן דיירקשן .

זאין :האחת שבאתי איתה , היא הייתה צריכה ללכת . אבל את נראת מדהים , עומדת שם לבד .ליאם :אז קדימה קדימה. לואי :זוזי קצת יותר קרוב עכשיו .ליאם :קדימה […]


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