It's alright
It's alright,
I know you're not meant to hurt me
It's alright,
You don't have to cry because of me
Be together,
This is something that can't happen For us
I always knew one thing,
If it's over that's what should happen.
I know, I know it's hard
You have to go away
I stay, I stay.. Don't cry,
It's alright
We can't stay forever
You and me
You and me
Can't stay together,
We can't stay forever
You and me
You and me
Can't stay together
This time should give up
This time I forget
It's alright.
if it's over it does not mean that all was over
Look at their,
You start another new way
I try,
Don't cry because truth The aching
I always knew one thing,
If it's over that's what should happen.
I know, I know it's hard
You have to go away
I stay, I stay.. Don't cry,
It's alright
We can't stay forever
You and me
You and me
Can't stay together,
We can't stay forever
You and me
You and me
Can't stay together
This time should give up
This time I forget
It's alright.
It's time you started thinking,
About what happened between us
It's time you knew it would not go
Look at me,
Me too hard to go . .
hard to go.
I know, I know it's hard
You have to go away
I stay, I stay.. Don't cry,
It's alright
We can't stay forever
You and me
You and me
Can't stay together,
We can't stay forever
You and me
You and me
Can't stay together
We can't stay forever
You and me
You and me
Can't stay together,
We can't stay forever
You and me
You and me
Can't stay together
This time should give up
This time I forget
It's alright.
תגובות (3)
וואו אופק זה… זה מדהים פשוט.. יש לך כתיבה כל כך סוחפת ויפה גם בעברית וגם באנגלית.. כל מילה שלך היית מורגשת בחוזקה.. כל מילה שלך רגשה.. כל מילה שלך צבטה … אהבתי את זה כל כך! אתה חייב לעשות עוד המון קטעים כאלה, יש לך מתנה כל כך גדולה.. וזה הכישרון שלך, בשביל כישרון צריך אופי ואישיות וזה רק מראה כמה טוב אתה.. :)
אני יודעת שלא התכוונת או משהו אבל ממש התחברתי לזה… אז תודה
תודה רבה לין, את לא יודעת איזה חיוך את מעלה על הפנים שלי :)
ואוו אופק… *^*
סוופרר אהבתי!!
אתה באמת מוכשר! (=