As street full of men
My friend.
She is collecting things,
Photo them and print.
My friend
Takes her inspiration from
The world
And saves them near.
She knows how to hold
She knows what is dear
She knows how to live
She knows how to
And she is my friend.
And this is a love song of her being,
Becuse if i didnt imitate
That hobby of hers,
How would i know how to live
With the air and water passing by as street full of men.
תגובות (4)
חחח ממש אהבתי (שימותו החרוזים, למי אכפת)
חחחחחח אבבבללל זזההה ככןןןן מתחחררזזזז
זה מממממש חמוד. ויש חרוזים, ימותו הקנאים, גורן סוףףףףףףף (I may be on something)
חחחחחחחחחחחח מתוקה