Ghost Dog
It's been 4 years and I so highly doubt anyone I once knew here will see this. This is a translated version of half a chapter I wrote in Hebrew in 2013. Even though it is in English I plead you read this even so. I speak Hebrew so please do not hesitate to leave a comment in it. Thanks for reading and welcome back to the writing world to me! ^-^


Ghost Dog 16/04/2016 842 צפיות אין תגובות
It's been 4 years and I so highly doubt anyone I once knew here will see this. This is a translated version of half a chapter I wrote in Hebrew in 2013. Even though it is in English I plead you read this even so. I speak Hebrew so please do not hesitate to leave a comment in it. Thanks for reading and welcome back to the writing world to me! ^-^

The dim street light reflected in her brown eyes, leaving a glowing fog to linger yellow on her face. The old, rusty, wooden swings swayed rhythmically to the soft wind while the chains of the small climbing frame that was hanging a few inches off the ground creaked as it swayed to the same song sung by the wind. Chris was watching the girl from afar. He leaned back against the stone pillar that supported the balcony above him, resting his shoulder on it. His hands were crossed on his chest and he was leaning off balance against the cold pillar, his left leg cocked and resting by his toe on the ground. Chris noticed the spark in her eye, due to the reflection of the light from the balcony, as she turned her gaze towards him before resting her eyes above him, staring at the light for a moment before turning back to mind herself. She was sitting on the dirt beside a bench at the peak of the playground that had a sign that read "Wet Paint" stapled to it. She was digging under her nails and sweeping her hair from her eyes constantly as the wind continued to blow it in her face. The girl turned her head curiously behind her and her back uplifted, allowing the light to shine on her neck. Chris noticed cuts and grazes on her face and neck as she hesitantly continued staring into the darkness behind her. Chris followed her gaze slowly, dreading what he would meet in the shadows right beside him; nothing was there. The bushes rattled as the wind grew wilder and the girl tilted her head slightly to the right as she watched them before turning back, once more, to tend her nails.

The bells clanged at the Church down the road, leaving a soft, high-pitched buzz in Chris' ears. At this time, routinely, the girl got up and dusted her clothes before looking around hesitantly and leaving the park, carefully following the path of gravel that led down towards the forest. Chris let a sigh escape his lips, he let his eyes fall shut and his arms drop beside him. He watched her every night, and every night was just the same. It was a routine they both followed – although the girl was purely unaware that he was there. Sometimes Chris imagined she could see him, he couldn't rid the thought that all this time she knew he was there without acknowledging his habits. On some nights, when he was especially deep in wonder, he would climb over the tall fence that barricaded between them and would sit in her spot to look towards the balcony. Each time he was blinded by the light and couldn't see a thing.
Chris let his leg lower to the floor; he was stood square but unbalanced as he leaned against the pillar. He was thrown from his thoughts as something touched him on the shoulder, reflexively making him turn and throw his clenched fist towards whatever was there. His knuckles collided powerfully with a familiar face. "Alex-" he gasped as he froze; his fist still in the same position. "What the hell was that for?" said Alex angrily and whacked Chris' hand away. "You scared me." He replied calmly as he lowered his arm and relaxed his clenched fingers. "Bloody hell man, you need to take a chill pill." Said Alex quietly, wiping the blood from his mouth. Chris grinned and lowered his gaze; he stared back to the gravel path, but the girl was gone. "What are you doing here anyways?" Chris spat out hastily as he turned back to face his friend. "Huh, what's that tone for ey?" Alex replied, peeved. "Alright, Mum, sorry." Chris said sarcastically, mischievously winking.
Chris turned back to lean against the pole. Alex lugged himself in front of Chris and used both his arms to barricade around him. "What now?" Asked Chris angrily, trying to make a figure to the whispering sound of the steps on the gravel. He was somewhat hoping the girl would come back. "Well, you promised you'd come with us today." Said Alex enthusiastically, hoping for a positive reaction. Chris raised himself to a full stance and took a step towards Alex, who cowered and stepped back. Chris' face was flat of emotions and stiff. Alex lifted his hands to his face to soften the blow. "Right then, let's go." His face softened. Alex let out the breath he was holding and smiled. "Let us."
And he led the way.

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