Ligia Sandoval

Bloddy bomb 29/07/2019 573 צפיות אין תגובות

Carlos Alberto De la Bercena is a famous architect in charge of one of the most prestigious construction companies in the country, which he directs alongside his great friend Bruno Gonzales-Urtiz, with whom he has been friends for many years to the extent that they married the best friends Aura Cristina and Fabiola, with whom they have built the best of their works: Their families. Carlos Alberto receives the resignation of his secretary, who assures that he will take care of his sick mother so the man has to use Doris, Bruno's secretary, who gladly takes care of his affairs while he finds a new secretary, although beforehand recommends Ligia, ensuring that she is a working woman whom she can train to keep the job.

Aura Cristina is a vain and frivolous woman who lives fearful that one day her husband will stop loving her because she knows she is an attractive man and there are many women who would give everything to be with someone like him. She and Fabiola organize a birthday party for Valeria, daughter of Aura Cristina and Carlos Alberto, to whom the wife warns and overprotects, to the extent of overwhelming him.

Valeria is a noble and responsible girl, dedicated to good manners and having a courtship with Sebastian, the son of Fabiola and Bruno. Old acquaintances come to her celebration, among them Paz, Aura de Aura Cristina, who warns the woman that, although her husband looks like the exemplary man, she should not trust him because all men have secrets and sooner or later they end up cheating on their women . Fabiola intervenes and advises women not to be reflected in others, because not all women have to go through their bitter experience.

Ligia Sandoval meets Ernesto Salgado, an attentive and handsome neighbor who is a chef and has a restaurant nearby, where he invites her to eat. The man discovers that the woman is fragile and has great suffering, so she offers her friendship, seduced by her fragility.

Full of bitterness, Paz remembers the times her husband cheated on her until she died in the arms of one of her lovers. She is interrupted by Jorge, her son, who presents her with Teresa, of whom she confesses in love. Alone, the woman lets her offspring know that she will never allow her to relate to a woman inferior to them.

Sebastián and Valeria decide to surrender their love tenderly, swearing that they will always love each other and nothing and no one will separate them.

Aura Cristina is tormented by her aunt Paz's assumptions and asks Carlos Alberto if he has ever been unfaithful. The man denies it and early, at dawn, he goes to play sports and decides to go through a market to buy snacks. There he runs into Ligia, who throws the bread he has just bought. When they look at each other, they are both amazed and he offers to take her home, apologizing for what has happened. When he takes her he listens to her story and offers her a job but she rejects it, ensuring she meets men like him. Get out of his car and go home, where he tells Teresa what happened while the man does not stop thinking about her but at home he clings to Aura Cristina, who notices him strangely. He tells her what happened.

Ernesto reveals to Teresa the interest she has in meeting Ligia, who has aroused some curiosity in him. The girl asks her to be patient with her friend and do not scare her because she has just gone through a terrible love affair. Ernesto is willing to conquer the woman, whom he visits but she knows his intentions and makes it clear that they will never be anything more than acquaintances, because she is not interested in making friends.

Bruno confesses to Fabiola that, despite being like a brother to Carlos Alberto, he wants to grow economically, so he hopes to become independent with everything and his client portfolio. The ambitious Fabiola supports him and believes that their time comes to all and just like the De La Bercena the success accompanied them for many years, perhaps the time has come for that fate to abandon them.

Teresa convinces Ligia to come talk to Carlos Alberto to convince him that she is the ideal to fill the position of secretary. An appointment is made and when Ligia and the architect meet again, they are silenced by the great attraction that has been born in both. She tries to run away but he takes her in his arms and asks her to talk and forget the incident in the market. She resists but the man asks her that she needs the job and he from a new secretary whom she can trust so that the woman finally stays and begins to be trained by Teresa, who is happy knowing that the woman is her friend and new coworker, who to everyone's surprise performs very well in a short time and becomes the favorite of customers, especially Carlos Alberto, to whom Bruno asks if he has noticed how beautiful the woman is. The architect says that his secretary attracts him but he could never disrespect him and less be unfaithful to Regina.

Paz offers Teresa money to stay away from Jorge forever, ensuring that they cannot be together because they are different. Teresa defends her love and lets the woman know that she will not give up Jorge unless he gives her reasons to do so. He tells the man what has happened and he discusses with his mother, to which he warns that if he insists on getting into his life, he will leave his side and never hear from him again.

Ligia and Aura Cristina know each other without sympathizing with each other. When Teresa knows, she tells Aura Cristina the terrible life of her friend, while Aura Cristina, jealous for the beauty of Ligia, advises her to find happiness in a man who really loves her and wants to protect her. This makes Ligia go to Ernesto, who tries to kiss her but she sees in him the image of Ignacio, so he rejects it.

Aura Cristina discovers that she has an incurable disease and it is Fabiola who is the only one who confesses it, begging him not to say anything to anyone. The evil Fabiola goes to Nora Villarreal, a woman who has always been in love with Carlos Alberto and despite not having a good relationship with Aura Cristina if she has one with her, who assures her that it is never too late to try to recover what she thought was lost.

Carlos Alberto takes Ligia home due to heavy rain. The woman then has an encounter with Ignacio, who assures her that she has separated from Marta and wishes to be with her. Ligia refuses to talk to him. They discuss and suddenly Carlos Alberto appears, whom the woman suddenly kisses letting Ignacio know that she already has a man to protect her. Ignacio leaves and then she apologizes to her boss, who returns home and on the way she keeps thinking about the passionate kiss that the woman gave her.

Jorge and Teresa live their love intensely while Paz sends a scare to the woman, at home, with an evildoer who scares Ligia, who hurts her in the head so when this is discovered by her friend she will give to the hospital, where Carlos Alberto appears with a bouquet of roses and wishes him a speedy recovery, surprising Teresa, who is surprised when Ligia tells him about the kiss, being heard by Bruno, who reveals it to Fabiola, as he does know that soon Carlos Alberto will have to beg him on his knees because he will leave him practically on the street and without a single client.

Nora visits Carlos Alberto and tries to seduce him. They are surprised by Aura Cristina, who suffers and does not want to hear her husband's explanations, which runs to Nora from her office and demands that she never look for him again. The sensual woman assures him that it will be he who looks for her soon. He tells Fabiola what happened and she warns him to act with caution because a new woman has appeared in the architect's life.

Aura Cristina ventures with Paz, who only poisons her soul and convinces her that her husband has a lover and that she must be Nora Villarreal, the climber who has always been behind him. The aunt advises her niece to cling to her daughter and not forgive her husband, because if he forgives her once he will end up always personing him. Upon returning home, Aura Cristina argues with Carlos Alberto, who demands that he sleep in another room. Valeria intervenes and suffers when her mother reveals that the man has a lover. Carlos Alberto feels helpless because he knows that is not true but in his solitude he only thinks of Ligia.

Ernesto takes Ligia back home and installs her in his room. He tells her about his feelings for her but the woman insists on rejecting him. Then he talks to Teresa, who assures him that Ernesto is a good man, hardworking, noble and single, who can give him what he deserves. But soon the confused Ligia receives a visit from Carlos Alberto, who after discussing with Regina comes to her to deliver some flowers and reveal that she has not stopped thinking about the kiss they gave. He kisses her and is reciprocated. Teresa discovers them and when the man leaves warns Ligia that if she plays with fire she can burn because the architect is a married man and has a family with whom she has been very happy. Ligia cries and confesses to her friend that she has fallen in love.

Nora discovers that Bruno plans to betray Carlos Alberto and he proposes that they share that fortune and join because he was always in love with her. Nora makes fun of him, however, he says that with more money than Carlos Alberto's, perhaps this time if it suits him. Both kiss and make love about to be reprimanded by Fabiola, who finally only finds them talking and makes him believe that the three must unite so that Leonela marries Carlos Alberto.

Valeria relieves her parents' situation with Sebastián, who assures her that at home she has heard that Carlos Alberto has been Nora's lover for a long time. Neither suspects that it is all about Fabiola slander to destroy the marriage of De La Bercena.

Ligia and Carlos Alberto eat together and he takes her hand and confesses that he has not been able to stop thinking about her from the first moment he saw her. They kiss and begin a clandestine relationship in and out of the office, which disapproves of Teresa, who tries to convince her friend that she does wrong by falling in love with a married man because he will never leave his wife and daughter to be with her.

Ernesto does not stop thinking about Ligia and relieves his feeling with Oscar, his friend, who assures him that if Ligia was once a lover of a married man he will do it again because those types of women do not waste time trying on men of whom They don't know what they can offer them and they are safe. Ernesto insists that the woman is different but Oscar doubts it.

Carlos Alberto tells Bruno about his passion for Ligia, whom he has fallen in love with. Bruno supports his friend at all times and from that moment he pays attention to the secretary, realizing that she is really a beautiful woman. He talks about it with Nora, who explodes in rage and wishes to put Ligia in his place but Bruno advises him to leave things as they are because perhaps the secretary is the one to blame for the bankruptcy of the man.

Ligia suffers from the harassment of Ignacio, who insists that he has left everything for her. The woman rejects him and assures him that he would never return with him, because when he needed it most, he abandoned her to his fate, like a coward. The man tries to kiss her by force but she defends and slaps him, swearing that if he touches her again he will regret it. Ernesto appears and Ignacio has nothing left but to leave.

Paz claims Nora to be the darling of Carlos Alberto. Nora does nothing but insult the woman by reminding her of her past and how her husband died in the arms of another to know her little woman. Paz slapped her and swears that she will regret it if she insists on stealing her niece's husband. Nora laughs and being alone thinks of the surprise that everyone will get when they learn that Carlos Alberto's lover is someone they don't expect.

Aura Cristina lives bitter because of her husband's deception and takes refuge in Fabiola, who does nothing but talk about fatalities about Ligia but warns her friend of the great friendship that has arisen between her husband and her secretary. Aura Cristina, however, has confidence in Ligia, which she goes to ask that when she knows of a woman around her husband tell her. The secretary promises but feels terrible because she is the woman Carlos Alberto dies for. He lets the man know, who takes her in his arms, kisses her and asks her to forget everything and everyone. They end up making love ardently and with this begins a passionate adventure that lasts seven months in which Ligia and Carlos Alberto love each other more while Aura Cristina silently suffers the battle against the terminal illness she suffers, taking refuge in Valeria,

Ernesto discovers the romance between Ligia and Carlos Alberto and criticizes her for preferring a married man who will only use her instead of someone who is capable of everything for her. Tired of everyone's reproaches, Ligia makes it clear that she owns her life and free to love whomever she pleases. Ernesto promises that he won't bother her anymore but warns him that everyone who plays with fire ends up burning.

Aura Cristina and Nora have a confrontation in which the first slapped her enemy, which only makes fun of her and lets her know that she is not a lover of her husband as everyone believes, since she has long ceased to feel interest in him . He implies that he knows who Carlos Alberto's lover is and although the desperate Aura Cristina begs him to tell her, the evil Nora does not, confessing that she prefers to know her suffering

Aura Cristina cries bitterly and visits her husband's office, to which she asks me to tell her who her lover is. Marriage argues knowing everyone of their marriage crisis. Ligia runs to the bathrooms and is reached by Teresa, who blames her for being responsible. Ligia defends herself and assures that she is not to blame for anything because when she began her relationship with Carlos Alberto he already had problems with his wife.

Carlos Alberto and Aura Cristina do not stop arguing at home and he decides to take his things to leave, while she only asks him to abandon everything by going after a woman who has not cared to destroy a family. Just at the moment when the man is about to leave, Aura Cristina suffers a faint and does not react for what is immediately taken to a hospital, where Paz does nothing but blame Carlos Alberto for the health of his niece.

APRIL 2015. Fabiola learns what happened to Aura Cristina and immediately lets Leonela know by phone, who at that moment is wallowing with Bruno and confesses to her friend wishing that Aura Cristina does not die, if she suffers much for having taken away what belonged to him many years ago.

Ligia decides to quit her job at Carlos Alberto's companies, where Bruno suggests that she stay and work for him but the woman has already made a decision. Bruno tries to seduce her, letting her know that he wants to be with her and be sure that she always acts as innocent in front of men to get her attention, because all the harlots are like that. Ligia slapped him and then Bruno took her and kissed her. He is about to make it his own but Ernesto appears and defends it, hitting the attacker. He takes Ligia, who ventures with him and tells him everything he is going through. Ernesto begs her not to make the same mistake that made her flee from her hometown and forget about having a relationship with someone forbidden. Ligia cries bitterly confessing that she loves Carlos Alberto and that love is stronger than her.

Aura Cristina returns to herself and refuses to speak with Carlos Alberto. It is Paz who comes to her and is astonished when the sick woman swears that the time she has left will use her to take revenge on her husband and her lover and will not rest until they are destroyed. The aunt, happy, smiles and kisses her, ensuring that she will be by his side to help her and avenge through her all the infidelities of her late husband.

Bruno assures Carlos Alberto that Ligia has left the companies and committed a terrible fraud. The architect refuses to believe it and tries to go in search of his beloved but Bruno avoids it and makes him believe that the woman only used it to get rich. Carlos Alberto suffers then and when he checks his computer he discovers that large amounts of money have been stolen. This makes Teresa mad and blames Teresa for everything. The poor woman is thrown out of business by Bruno, who accuses her of being an accomplice of Ligia and threatens to send them both to jail. Teresa claims her friend, who swears that she hasn't stolen anything. He looks for Carlos Alberto to tell him his innocence and tell him that it's all about Bruno's revenge for not agreeing to sleep with him but the man rejects her and demands that he not look for him again, ensuring that they will be seen in court. The woman suffers irremediably, venting with Ernesto, who promises to help her and kisses her. She gets carried away and they both end up making love.

Paz opposes Jorge continuing his relationship with Teresa but the man is determined that this is the woman of his life. He looks for her and she swears that nothing has to do with company fraud. He advises her to blame Ligia but Teresa is true to her ideas and lets her know that she believes in her friend's innocence.

Bruno fiercely celebrates his triumph with Nora and they are surprised by Fabiola, who is enraged at the deception and disintegrates her husband's lover, who only enjoys watching them fight. Nora regrets that her lover is a coward and leaves furiously while Fabiola confronts her spouse, who violently slaps her, causing him to react. He demands that he not hit him again. He takes her in his arms, kisses her, but the woman rejects him and reminds him that they were married for convenience, to benefit each other, but she whom he has always loved is Carlos Alberto, which is why he hates Aura with all his strength Cristina

Ernesto is more in love than ever with Ligia and Oscar reproaches him for having fallen into the traps of women. He challenges him to let some time pass and try again to touch the woman, which he is sure will not end his affair with Carlos Alberto.

Valeria comes before Ligia to slap her and insult her because Paz and Fabiola have poisoned her heart. Ligia does not defend herself, she simply reveals that she is in love with Carlos Alberto, as well as being innocent of the robbery she is accused of.

Fabiola and Nora argue and both face each other again. Nora warns of being an enemy capable of everything to take revenge. Fabiola makes fun of her because if that were so long ago the woman had avenged herself on Aura Cristina.

Ernesto appears before Carlos Alberto and asks for time so that he can pay the money for which they accuse Ligia, giving his restaurant and house as a guarantee. Carlos Alberto confesses to the man that he believes in the innocence of the woman but cannot forgive him for having hinted at Bruno.

Desperate for her parents' rejection and her mother's health, but supported by the evil Fabiola, Valeria has an abortion that is complicated by what the girl is torn between life and death, a situation that alarms Sebastian, who his mother warns him that if something happens to the girl they will say they know nothing. Soon the sweet Valeria is discharged and returns home, where she does not face anyone, full of shame, while Fabiola advises Sebastian to become a new girlfriend as this is already a marked woman.

Nora appears before Aura Cristina to assure her that she must take care of her closest friends, who are her worst enemies. When the woman confronts Paz, she assures her that Fabiola is not trustworthy and that she has always hated Aura Cristina for marrying the man she was always in love with. Paz says he will manage to discover Fabiola and be alert when he sees Aura Cristina bleeding and she confesses that she is very sick and will soon die.

Carlos Alberto and Ligia walk aimlessly until they meet face to face in the same place. Both try to ignore them but it is impossible for them that he hugs her, she clings to him and they give each other a strong kiss of love.

Bruno looks for Nora, who mocks him when he sees him beaten. He clings to her and makes love to her. Nora dials Fabiola's cell phone, who listens to them and curses her but the woman does nothing but laugh and beg her lover more, while Fabiola cries full of rage and swears she will take revenge.

Jorge asks Teresa to get married and she accepts. When Paz finds out, he becomes enraged and says he will do anything to separate his son from that woman. Jorge reveals to him that he will do nothing because he always passes it by threatening him just to scare him.

Aura Cristina does not stop reproaching Carlos Alberto for his infidelity. He asks her not to fight for the sake of her daughter but the woman does not stop and swears that she will make him and her lover regret them.

Ernesto searches for Ligia. Try to kiss her and ask her to be together again but she rejects him. He furiously asks if he still thinks about continuing his adventure with Carlos Alberto. She denies it, as she reveals not wanting to give hope to the chef, who ventures with Oscar, who does nothing but support him because he discovers that his friend is really in love with Ligia, who in turn receives a visit from Regina, who He insults her seriously. Ligia cries and reveals Teresa to be tired of the insults and humiliations for what this time will be what everyone thinks she is.

Sebastian listens to his parents talk about their betrayal of Carlos Alberto and Aura Cristina and although he disagrees, he decides to shut up because he does not want to harm them, however he considers that he cannot allow his beloved Valeria to stay in the street.

The hostile treatment between Aura Cristina and Carlos Alberto is growing. He proposes that they be separated for the sake of their daughter, but the woman, possessive, flatly refuses and blames him for the bad decisions of Valeria. Then both parents claim Sebastian for not having taken responsibility for the son he was expecting and bordering his girlfriend to commit madness. Valeria defends her boyfriend by ensuring that he had nothing to do with his decision.

The restaurant of Ernesto goes Nora, who meets the chef and is impressed to know him single despite being so handsome. They both agree and decide to be friends for what he invites her to eat and they agree to meet Ligia and Carlos Alberto, of whom Leonela expresses herself well although she does not stop thinking that Ligia Sandoval is too insignificant.

Paz makes a visit to Fabiola and reminds her of her dark past, sure that she was the one who advised Valeria to abort and live her own experience. Sebastian listens to them and demands that his mother tell him if he really aborted years ago. Paz corners his enemy, whom he throws out of his house. Fabiola tries to convince her son that everything is a lie but he does not believe her and goes to have destroyed Valeria's life and, incidentally, his.

Aura Cristina does nothing but think about revenge by cursing Ligia Sandoval for having stolen her man's love. He swears that he will use all his means to separate them and make the woman who stole his home suffer terribly.

Teresa and Jorge are secretly married by Paz, willing to be happy forever. Both Ligia and Ernesto accompany them and there he again insists the woman to pay attention to him and leave the past behind. Ligia again rejects him for what Ernesto promises will never again insist that he love him, wishing him happy.

Sebastian warns his parents that he will betray them because it is not fair what they have done to Carlos Alberto, who finds out that he has been ruined and blames Bruno, who holds Ligia responsible. But soon Sebastian talks to Carlos Alberto and he learns about the perverse plans of his parents, giving him the necessary documentation to recover what belongs to him. Bruno flees the country and Fabiola tries to apologize to Aura Cristina and Valeria, who before her parents reveals that this woman was the one who convinced her to abort. The De la Bercena then despise Fabiola, who has no place in any social circle thanks to the discredit caused by what he has done since Paz has been responsible for paying for a statement in the newspapers, where the González-Urtiz are put in evidence.

Ligia and Carlos Augusto give their love passionately and he asks her to be his wife because he will divorce Aura Cristina, who listens to Fabiola advising him to get rid of his enemy so he has to kill her. The energetic Aura Cristina cries in solitude but a terrible evil that has imprisoned her heart makes her react and swears that she will not die without giving her rival a terrible lesson, the being she hates most in life: Ligia Sandoval.

TIME AFTER: Valeria decides to take a trip abroad and says goodbye to her parents, who are on the verge of divorce, the same that Aura Cristina refuses to sign advised by Paz, whom Carlos Alberto demands to stop meddling in his lives

Fabiola does not know how to live with social repudiation and blames Sebastian for what happened to her and Bruno. He confesses that, in fact, he aborted and that he could be one of those abortions because the idea of being a mother always seemed avominable. Sebastian decides to leave her and reach Valeria at the airport, where she asks him to let her accompany her. They leave together.

Aura Cristina sets a trap for Ligia, who sees her kissing passionately with Carlos Alberto and in spite of herself goes to take refuge in Ernesto's arms, who says she has understood that in reality husbands never leave their wives. Try to kiss him and he rejects her and then presents her with Nora Villarreal, her fiancee. Ligia suffers in solitude and is soon sought by Carlos Alberto, who claims to still have to do with his wife. The woman believes that it is best for them to separate and she does not listen because he has gone to tell her that the divorce will be signed soon.

Paz learns that Jorge lives with Teresa for what he goes to their house and confronts the woman, who this time defends and slaps her, demanding that he not insult her again or regret it. Jorge appears and asks his mother to resign himself to accept Teresa or lose him. Paz repudiates them both and warns the woman that she will not allow her dirty friend to snatch her husband's niece.

Aura Cristina sends Ligia Sandoval's house on fire with the intention that she dies but her evil intention is useless because Ligia manages to escape the escape thanks to Ernesto, who again saves her. The woman cries thinking that they wanted to harm her but the police let her know that everything was due to an accident. She is installed in Ernesto's house and there she comes face to face with Nora, who warns her to be careful because a jealous and destroyed wife is capable of everything.

Bruno is arrested abroad and sent back to his country where he faces a demand for fraud so he must spend several years in prison. He is visited by Fabiola, who cryingly lets him know that all his friends repudiate them.

Aura Cristina and Carlos Alberto sign the divorce and she learns that Ligia will leave the city to return to her village. He hides it from the man, who searches for his beloved at Ernesto's house to show him that he has divorced. He asks them to join, be happy, and proposes that they take a trip together to start from scratch. They do not suspect that Aura Cristina has followed them despite her terrible condition, victim of her illness, and has decided to teach them a lesson they will never forget.

Paz meets Nora, with whom she makes peace and who reveals the depression in which Aura Cristina lives since her husband left her and then demanded a divorce.

Ligia and Carlos Alberto arrive at the beach and settle in their residence. She goes to the toilets, where she falls into a trap of Aura Cristina, who locks her up without anyone seeing her and then goes to her husband, who says she won't let him be happy with her lover. Both argue and she threatens him with a firearm, confessing he has nothing to lose because he is incarcerated and about to die. He begs her to speak like civilized people but she does not understand reasons and, blinded by rage and despair, she releases two shots and then, terrified, run away, while Ligia, scared, believes that something has happened and manages to open the bathroom door to search all over the house for his beloved, whom he finds dying on the floor. He tries to tell her something but she begs him not to speak, taking the murder weapon and promising him to find the culprit. He does not suspect that from a public telephone Aura Cristna has reported to the police, which arrives at the place when Carlos Alberto has already died. When they see Ligia with the gun in their hands, they stop her. She claims to be innocent but nobody believes her and is tried and sentenced to life imprisonment because Aura Cristina asks for her the full weight of the law and moves her influences, protected by Paz, who gives Valeria notice of what has happened.

Valeria feels confused and finds support in Sebastián, who in jail gives notice to his father that he will take care of the companies because he will soon marry Valeria. Bruno requires his son to help him get out of prison but the boy believes that his father should receive an excarment.

Aura Cristina dies with the memory of Carlos Alberto caught in the heart and also with immense hatred towards Ligia, begging Paz and Valeria to always be aware that this woman suffers. The death of the woman makes Paz understand that no one has a purchased life and that any human being can die at any moment for what he looks for Jorge and asks forgiveness for taking him away from her, to brushing Teresa as his daughter-in-law.

Ernesto looks for Valeria and asks him to help him because he is sure that Aura Cristina was the one who killed, perhaps accidentally, Carlos Alberto. The girl informs her that her mother could not be because she was in the terminal stage of a terrible disease that ended up killing her.

Nora knows well that Ernesto will never stop loving Ligia and lets Oscar know, who confesses that he has an interest in her. They both kiss and decide to start a relationship.

Ligia suffers bitterly in jail, where she receives a visit from Ernesto, who lets him know that he will never rest until he proves his innocence. Ligia cries bitterly because she believes she will spend the rest of her life in jail, without checking that it was Aura Cristina who murdered Carlos Alberto. Ernesto takes the woman's hands and assures him that he will always watch over her. He kisses her and she corresponds

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