Madame Meow
הו הו, אשכרה פרסמתי את זה. הלחץ!

Pact With Rebels-chapter 1, part 1

Madame Meow 30/05/2015 841 צפיות אין תגובות
הו הו, אשכרה פרסמתי את זה. הלחץ!

אוקי, אז כתראו משהו כמו זה *"בלה בלה בלה אנחנו מילים"* אפשר לומר שזה מן קטע מעבר. כי אני לא רוצה סתם לקפוץ ואז סתם צריך לחזור לאחור כדי להבין מה קרה כאן עכשיו. סתם. לידע שלכם. מתחילים יאי.
Sometimes things just happen, you know? Like when you're having a bad day and
suddenly rain begins to fall, heavily. Or when you take just one glance at someone and feel as if time had stopped. Or when you find yourself running away for your life, after witnessing a group of seven who murdered someone while chanting in a strange language, then argue with one another that something went wrong (the sacrifice? The spell?), and finally: seeing you, hiding behind a tree in the dark forest, thus leading you to the spoken moment?

… That last example sure is extreme, is it not? Unfortunately, to our poor, unfortunate, young woman, this is actually happening. And with that fact in mind, she kept running along the cold wind.
Shit, shit, SHIT! The word kept popping into her mind. Just for how long she kept running away? It sure felt like an eternity. She began to lose her breath. While this could mean she was running for a little over ten minutes, she was also running faster then her usual speed, so it could mean she was running less then that. She never dared to look behind her. She feared she might trip and fall. And then share the same fate as the one before her. She quickly maneuvered between the bushes and trees of the dark forest, always looking down so she won't step on a rock or a root that decided to leave its home underground, and trying to listen to any footsteps aside from her own.

But there were none. Had she lost them? Hesitate, she dared to slow down glance at her surrounding. Nothing but trees. Maybe she did lose them? She came to a stop. She was panting; her heart beating frantically, and her sides hurt. She clenched them with her shaking hands, her entire body shook –though no surprise there, and bent down. Fuck, she thought. Those people murdered someone! She couldn't see who was the poor soul, but she sure as hell wasn't going back there to find out! She needed to find the way out of the forest, go to the nearest town, get the police and–
Her fear grew.
Now that her mind was a little less frantic and paranoid, she realized a couple of things. Firstly: she had no idea where she was (!!!). Secondly: she had no memory of her getting anywhere near a forest. She doesn’t live near a forest, so this isn't the case of a midnight stroll in the woods. Then why… How…

She quickly returned to reality once she heard a rustling from the nearby bushes.

Her heart skipped a beat and stomach twisted and turned. She held her breath, and dared not to moved. All she could do was to wait. The rustling noise continued. This is torture! If those people were out there, hiding in the dark, they sure took their sweet time showing up. What were they planing? To surround her? To get her from behind? Will they take her back where she first saw them, or will they just finish the job here? Will it be a slow death, or a quick one? Whoever it was before her, did they die quickly? It seemed so, anyway. Then she could faintly see from the corner of her eye something moving. She quickly turned around.

And faced a puzzled fox.

A sigh of relief escaped her. She did lose them. Good. She slowly stood up, just as the fox ran back into the darkness, and scanned her surrounding. No one but herself. Her legs still shook and ached from the run, so she walked slowly.
Despite her current situation, the woods looked quite peaceful, if she was honest with herself. It was a cool summer night. The sky were clear and the stars and the moon shone brightly. Here and there, she could see the light of the firefly, but just for an insistent. For a while, her mind was at peace and she continued her little journey to a nearby town was slow and relaxing (though she still had no clue where she was going).

That was, until she felt a sharp pain at the back of her head, and she fell face down. Then everything was consumed by darkness.

*“Break from your 'divine' chains, oh powerful master of the fourth circle!”*

She was fading in and out consciousness. She felt her aching body being dragged -probably back to where she first witnessed the group's bloody act- and a couple of people speaking to one another. But to her, they spoke gibberish. Her head was throbbing and she felt dizzy. She felt hopeless. She felt as if she was at the size of a child.
Finally, they stopped. The one who dragged her throw her onto the ground. She tried to stand up, but her body refused, and she saw the world, once again, consumed by the black. When she returned to reality, the group began chanting once more, and she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Something was inside her stomach. It was cold. She could feel the blood sliding down her abdomen, down to the sides, dripping to the ground. Then, it was yanked out of her. Fast. It hurt, it hurt her so much! And now, she could feel the blood escaping her too quickly.
“Ex ventre tuo dividentur, divinos catenis, potens dominus quarto oh!” …? What language was that? What kind of sick 'ritual' demanded a human sacrifice…? Sure, in ancient times, that was a popular thing. But these days? Religions that still had these kind of ceremonies and rituals would take a poor animal instead.
She tried to move her head around, but the pain made it impossible for her. So she looked around with her half opened eyes. She saw the people's shapes, the trees, and faintly, a pattern on the ground. Her sight was limited; but from what she could see she came to the conclusion she was in the center of a circle. She could also faintly see that something was drawn inside the circle pattern.

It suddenly hit her. She was the sacrifice for some spell, as they mention before. Witchcraft, dark magic, a ritual to appease Satan, whatever! She was part of it, but on the bad side. The other one! Where did they put the poor soul? She, or he, were no where near her. Did they throw her, or him, as if garbage? Those people are cruel, psychotic, and simply foolish! Did they really believe that something like black magic truly exists?! She was laying on the cold ground, dying a slow and painful death, because some idiots wanted to bust a myth?! “F… Fu–” she tried to speak, shout, scream her lungs out at them. But her throat was so dry. FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU AND YOUR IDEA FOR A GOOD TIME!!! Her body began to shake once again. But not from fear, not entirely. It was from pure anger and hatred towards them.

She slid back into darkness. She hoped that this is the last time, and this torture will be over. But… what of her body? Will it ever be found? Will those killers ever get caught? And if not, what will her friends think and do? Those thoughts haunted her until she could no longer think them.

She awoke from her sweet escape once more. She felt the familiar cold, painful feeling once more. However this time, it came from her hands, and the feeling as if something is inside there never left. They pinned her to the ground. She could make no sound, and they kept chanting those fucking words! SHUT UP! Then, she felt something near her neck. A knife?
“Join us,” A deep voice commended her. “Chant those words with us! If you do, you'll see your mommy and daddy again,” Her fury grow and grow by his words. She was an adult woman! Why was he treating her like a child. And besides, she–
“O-okay… I-I will! Just… just please, stop…!” She was sobbing. The words just came out of her. Was she that desperate? She was holding onto an untied rope here, she knew that. There was no way they would let her simply walk away from this… But when someone give you hope, even a false one, you'll take it.

The man began chanting slowly for her, and she slowly began to repeat them. NO! She screamed inside her mind. No, stop, shut up, it is useless, pointless, its not going to work, you'll die, they'll kill you no matter what, stop, stop stop, please, stop, just stop…

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