טובת את הספור הזה כתבתי לפני כמה חודשים ואני עדיין מתלבטת אם להעלות אותו או לאץ יש בו אנגלית ברמה בינונית-גבוהה. ארוך מאוד. לקחו לי כמה שעות טובות לכתוב את זה שעות/ימיםץ יש לי כבר פרק שני ואם תגידו לי להעלות אני אעלה.

The Son of Venus: Chapter 1 – (בן ונוס – פרק 1)

SeaweedBrain1 03/01/2015 989 צפיות אין תגובות
טובת את הספור הזה כתבתי לפני כמה חודשים ואני עדיין מתלבטת אם להעלות אותו או לאץ יש בו אנגלית ברמה בינונית-גבוהה. ארוך מאוד. לקחו לי כמה שעות טובות לכתוב את זה שעות/ימיםץ יש לי כבר פרק שני ואם תגידו לי להעלות אני אעלה.

\"What do you mean HE IS DEAD?\" Chaos, the creator of the world bellowed making the council flinch back in their thrones.
No! Ha ha! Not this idiotic Olympian council that now called a meeting to its end. No, the Primordial meeting. The Primordial are the immortal beings, forever rulers of each one and his own domain. But now, with this new information their domains and the creation might fall into complete chaos and destruction.
All The Primordial turned their gaze to Tartarus who made this dark announcement and summoned the meeting upon The Void, the first planet.
Tartarus took a deep breath and explained in his deep voice. \"Someone has accused him for betrayal at Olympus, some arrogant son of that so called Lord Of The Sky Zeus.\" He spat with clear discuss for the gods in his voice, but he had to deal with them because until now, they were keeping the peace. \"He had said that he heard him plotting Olympus\' downfall with Gaea.\"
All the Primordials\' eyes, including Chaos\' softened to the sound of Gaea\'s named and they sent her warm understanding smiles. They all knew about The Second Giant war that happened recently. Gaea was shifting in her throne looking down her face full with shame and embarrassment. Her husband Ouranos pulled her into his arms and she buried her face in his chest.
They knew that Gaea wasn\'t controlling her own actions. Most of The Primordial had one good and peaceful aspect. But others, which are, Tartarus, Erebus, Nyx and Gaea have also a bad aspect. They aspects called. Kakos – bad and Agathos – good. Mostly the four primordial are in control over their Kakos aspect and stay in their Agathos aspect, but in the first and second Giant war Gaea lost control over her Kakos aspect and tried to over throned the gods.

Nyx gestured her brother with a soft smile to carry on what he had said, Tartarus nodded to his sister and elaborated. \"The Olympian council had sealed him to die painfully and he will spent his after life in the Pit with the monsters. He is already in my domain, suffering, someone is torturing him.\" His faced became even darker and grim than usual, his expression was pained. Which shocked the entire council. Tartarus, never, but never shows pain.
All the Council gasped with shock and fury. Hemera, that always was the calm and smily one looked like she was going to maim the Olympian council over their stupid judgment. Chronus kept his compusure but deep inside he was blowing with rage. Eros wanted to shoot Zeus to fall in love with Echidna! And from the look he and Erebus shared, it\'s going to happen.
\"Chronus, Is that true?\" Pontus, Primordial of the seas demaded with a severe expression on his handsome face, looking like a total badass. Ready to march into Mount. Olympus and strangle each one of those ignorant gods that dumped their Savior into the Depths of The most Horrible place known on Earth. The Pit.
Chronus nodded and waved his hand.
All the Primordial council was now at Camp Half-Blood, near the Poseidon cabin, where its only occupant was lying on his bed and stared at the ceiling, tears blurring his eyes beautiful. The eyes that had no problem winning the title of world\'s most beautiful eyes.
Everyone he cared about left him for the new son of Zeus, Kevin , that the only thing he did since was to suffer. They never let him a day rest. They believed that he betrayed them in the Giant war. he found it stupid, first of all his fatal flaw was fucking LOYALTY he would never betray his friends. And besides, he killed Gaea himself, with his own sword.
Now, nobody was at his side. But a few gods, his dad, Poseidon. Artemis, which kind if surprised him. Apollo and Hermes who came once in a week trying to cheer him up with no use. Hestia, who he spoke nearly everyday next to the hearth, she was giving him hope. Aphrodite always had a special spot for him in her heart. And Hades like ever since he returned him his throne.
Now the entire camp was at the council meeting. Percy didn\'t know what they were talking about but he could the fighting between the gods in the air. Hurricanes seems to fight the lightning in the air, his father against Zeus. Fire fought Fire in the woods, Hestia and Hephaestus. It was weird for Percy to think about Hestia fighting, she was always calm and kind. It was early and the Moon already showed up like it did sometimes, and it was covered with clouds, Artemis was upset. The sun was so powerful it literally burned bushes in the woods. Apollo was furious.
Suddenly a bright flash illuminated Percy\'s sight. When the light died down Percy saw Hermes flying in front of him with a furious face.
\"My father seeks your present at the council meeting.\" He growled then he muttered, \"One day, Uncle P\' is going to stick his Fork at his Butt.\" A lightning and a shout in the air made him chuckle. \"I guess he already did.\" Hermes snickered.
Percy chuckled and smiled to his cousin \"I\'ll be right there.\" Hermes gavehim a smile and disappeared in a flash of light. Percy ran to the warehouse. All the Pegasus nickeled in happiness when they saw him.
\"Blackjack!\" He cried to the only Pegasus that stared at him with a worried face. Blackjack, his own Pegasus. He wasn\'t oblivious to the change in the campers demeanor toward his master like the other Pegasus.
Blackjack walked to Percy trying to keep a cheerful face. \"Yo, boss!\" He cried to him. \"How\'s it hanging!\"
Percy smiled to his Pegasus. He knew exactly how\'s it hanging but he always kept a a lighting mood.
\"You know what this stupid Sky God needs?\" Percy gave a confused look to Blackjack. \"My hooves in his ASS!\" And Percy burst laughing.
He hoped on Blackjack and waved all the Pegasus goodbye saying them he\'ll give them all sugar cubes when he will come back from Mount Olympus, not knowing that he will never come back from Mount Olympus.
On their way the weather calmed down drastically. Maybe they figured they conflict out, Percy thought.
When they reached Mount Olympus Blackjack landed right next to the throne room. Percy gave him one last warm smile and walked to his death. When he entered he noticed something weird. Seven gods weren\'t there. Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Hades, Hermes, Hestia and Aphrodite.
Percy frantically looked around for them, fearing that something bad happened to them. He knew that something was up, there must be a reason that the seven particular gods that side him were gone. He knew that this might be the last minutes for his heart to beat.
Everyone was shooting daggers at him, everyone but Clarisse, Chris, Will, Rachel, Piper, Leo, Nico, Drew and Chiron. The hunters as well as their mistress were gone, a shame. He wanted to say his Last goodbye to his best friend.
When his eyes met Annabeth\'s gray one a tear leaked from the corner of his eye. He couldn\'t believe that the love of his life, the one he jumped into Tartarus for blames him for betraying them. The death glare she was giving him broke his heart. She was holding the one that destroyed his life arm. Kevin. They started dating the second Percy caught Annabeth cheating on him With Kevin.
He faced Zeus, and dropped to one knee. Even though he was not a traitor he blamed himself for not being strong enough to save his friends. He wasn\'t mad at anyone of the gods. Or his old friends. Maybe a little at Zeus for being such a coward and do whatever he did to prevent the gods who supported Percy from being there. To stop him.
\"The Council has made its choice!\" Zeus announced. Even without telling Percy to rise. \"For your actions against Olympus we decided you are to be killed painfully and seeing that my brother does not see the severity of your betrayal and we do not want you to spend your afterlife at Elysium you will be sent to the Pit of Tartarus forever.\"
Percy didn\'t say a thing but he visibly paled and swallowed his spit. He stayed with his head down on the floor of the throne room. tears were streaming down his eyes. He prayed goodbye to his dad, and a shaky breath left his mouth. He heard a cry in the sky, his father scream.
\"I love you, dad.\" He whispered so no one could hear him but himself. \"I\'ll miss you mom. Hestia, thank you for giving me hope in my last days. Apollo and Hermes, thank you for never giving up on me and keep cheering me up. Hades, you are much more than every one thinks, I hope that everyone will give you the respect you deserve in the future. Aphrodite, you are just an amazing friend, Ares doesn\'t know what a treasure he has don\'t let him treat you as obvious. Artemis, Thank you for supporting me and fight for me even though I\'m a boy, you treated me differently and I thank you for that, you could be a great friend and I am sorry that I didn\'t have the chance to befriend with you. I will miss you all. please say, Chiron, Chris, Piper, Drew, Will, Rachel, Nico, Leo, Clarisse, Jason, Reyna, Frank, Hazel, Thalia, Camp Jupiter and the hunters that I will miss them as well, and I love them.\"
Even not a second after that Zeus took his massive bolt but he didn\'t shoot him to death. He shot two little bit yet powerful lightnings into his beautiful Sea-Green eyes. Percy screamed with agony and flattened on the floor. when he opened his eyes they weren\'t there. There was only blood that tripped from where once were beautiful eyes that gave strength and hope to everyone who looked at them. Zeus forced himself to stare straight into the blood that covered were his eyes once were and now were gone. Knowing Percy couldn\'t see a thing.
Ares throw at him four spears, two was plunged in his hands and the other two in his legs. Hephaestus started to flame Percy\'s cloths, they hanged him on the wall and everyone watched him as he was dying and screaming in agony. The ones who believed Percy was innocent collapsed on the floor and sobbed. Chiron was kicking the wall of the throne shouting out. When Percy stopped screaming Hephaestus turned his fire off. Ares released Percy and he fell to the floor into a pool of his own blood.
His chest wasn\'t moving. He was not breathing. He was dead. The Primordial couldn\'t move from the shock. Even Chaos. They could only stare at the horror.
Zeus clapped his hands and the seven missing gods appeared in the throne room each. On their throne. They were mid screaming Zeus and the other gods to set them free.
For Apollo and Hermes it was like that: \"Dad, let us freaking go now or we\'ll take Uncle\'s P\' fork and stick in your godly ass!\" Everyone but the sobbing snickered at that.
Hestia was really scary over there. \"Brother! Let me go now or I swear I shall burn you until you will be on your knees begging for mercy!\"
Darkness gathered around Hades as he growled. \"Zeus, when I will be out of this stupid prison I shall make you suffer so bad that Gaea will look like Heaven!\"
Aphrodite was sobbing. \"The moment I will get out I promise Zeus you wouldn\'t find love ever again!\"
Artemis was struggling in the chains that just disappeared. \"Father, let me out! Stupid arrogant boy, when I will be out you shall find out how an arrow in your ass feels like!\"
Poseidon was the scariest. \"Zeus, if a single hair from my son\'s head will be touched I swear to all gods that there will be war! I shall take you prisoner and torture you until you faded! Then I shall bring you back and torture you again!\"
Then Hades felt it. Percy\'s soul vanishing, far away from his reach. He turned around just in time to see Percy\'s body vaporizing into thin air. he felt Percy\'s soul flouting through his domain and into Tartarus, where his body reformed and he was found by Kronos.
He was the only one to see it. The other gods looked at the sobbing people and the pool of blood in confusion. Hades didn\'t waste any time lunging himself at his young brother hitting him in the face. when he did that, Poseidon realized.
\"What did you do to my son?\" He growled at his younger brother. Hades let Zeus go and left him to the mercy of the Sea God. Poseidon grabbed Zeus in the color of his shirt and pinned him to the wall. \"I asked, What did you do to my son!\" He growled again. When Zeus didn\'t answer Poseidon asked Hades in his head to tell him. When he did Poseidon released Zeus from his grip and fell to the floor sobbing his soul out.
\"What? What happened?\" Aphrodite demanded frantically. She has come to a good friendship with Percy and feared to his destiny.
Hades told the five remaining gods what he knew telepathically and they all started to sob.
\"I heard his last prayer!\" Aphrodite sobbed. \"I didn\'t though… Hades didn\'t say he was dead so I figured it was only the fear!\"
\"I talked to him! I saw his smile!\" Hermes cried. \"Tartarus! Why? Goddamnit! No one deserves such a cruel faith!\"
\"He was innocent! Only Chaos knows what will happen to him!\" Apollo shouted at his father. \"Why you are such an idiot, dad?\"
Hestia and Poseidon couldn\'t say a thing. they sobbed into each other\'s chests and ignored the world.
Artemis stood tall with tears in her eyes and shoot her best glare at The King Of The Gods. \"He was the only decent man on earth and you … I can\'t even say killed! You destroyed him! He wasn\'t just an innocent man. No, he was a hero! The greatest hero to ever live and that\'s how you repay him! You throw him into the Pit like he was a monster! Shame on you, father!\" She turned in circle to the rest of the Olympian Council. \"Shame on all of you! You just sent Perseus Jackson to suffer for all eternity! Your Hero!\"
\"Pontus, Eros, Tartarus, Eurbus and Gaea.\" Chaos told five Primordial that turned their gaze to him a little happy to rip their looks from what\'s going in front of them. \"You five shall enter to the Pit to look for Perseus. I believe that your son, Kronos, Gaea kidnapped him and now torturing him.\" Tartarus nodded in confirming.
\"Ouranos, Nyx and Aether.\" Chaos continued. \"You deal in here with me! Rest of you go back to the Void!\"
Ouranos smirked, thinking what will he do to his brat of a grandson, Zeus. \"Nobody touches my great-grandson and gets out of it!\" He growled. All Primordial knew how much he loves Percy And Poseidon. And he loved his daughter Aphrodite and seeing her sad was a thing he surreally didn\'t like. He loved Hades, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Nico and Thalia and most of his great-grandchildren. He never loved Zeus too much though. For Ouranos opinion his youngest grandson was nothing but a paranoid bastard that would sell his own child for power. Just like his brat father Kronos.
Chaos smiled to his son. Patted him on his back and teleported Pontus, Gaea, Eurbus, Tartarus and Eros into the Pit. They landed right in time for Gaea to be hit by a scythe in the shoulder. She screamed in agony and fell to the ground. Pontus immediatly dropped to his knees and started to take care of his sister.
Eros pulled out his bow and aimed it on the attacker. He burst out laughing when he saw his cousin, Kronos, flushing back in embarrassment for just stabing his own mother.
\"Mother!\" He cried and tried to run to Gaea but was stopped by Tartarus. \"Oh, I\'m sorry! I didn\'t try to stab you!\"
\"Then who you did try to stab?\" Pontus asked.
\"Who is it?\" They heard a shaky voice from behind them.
When they turned atound they all gasped but Kronos. There was, chained to the wall, cuts all over his body, a pool of his blood was under to him. Percy Jackson looked straight forward, like his eyes weren\'t working. When Gaea looked at her Great-Grandson once beautiful eyes tears filled her dirt brown eyes. Blood covered his eyes from Zeus bolt, his eyes were completely white, with a white mark where once were Sea-Green eyes.
\"Perseus…\" She breathed.
\"Gaea!\" Percy growled, all the pain seemed to vanish when he said that name. It was so venoms Gaea almost ran away. \"You came to torture me as well? If you do, go on! I don\'t care! You already ruined my life!\"
\"I\'m sorry.\" Gaea managed to get out from her sobbing form. She did not want her gret-grandson to hate her. She truly cared for him, and she was sorry that she met him in her bad aspect first and not the good.
\"W-What?\" Percy stammered. Did he just heard Gaea, the evil mother earth say she was sorry? She sounded so innocent, so pure. No… It was probably Kronos\' scythe massing with his head… Gaea cannot be sorry, right?
\"I said I am sorry. So, so sorry.\" Gaea repeated, shooting a glare at her brother Tartarus that ran after that glance and untie Percy from his chains. Pontus ran fast to Percy\'s aid, willed some salt water to heal his wounds, but he could not do a thing about his eyes. \"I had no control over my actions.\"
Percy didn\'t know who was the one to help him on his feet, he knew it was a man from the shape of his hands and body. He also smelled like the sea, but it wasn\'t his father scent. Percy noticed that since his eyes were off he could sense other things, like smells and sounds much batter. Bet he still missed his sight dearly. He looked straighten ahead hoping that is where Gaea was.
He tried to figure out what she meant when he remembered something Nico once told him about Primordial. Four of them, Nyx, Eurbus, Tartarus and Gaea had two aspects. Not like Roman and Greek, bad and good. And now he get what Gaea meant and he smiled. He wasn\'t the type to hold the grudge. That was Nico\'s job.
\"I understand.\" He said to his great-grandmother. He looked at where here voice from. He came forward and reached with his hand to her face. He already forgot from Kronos, who by the way was teleported into another part of the Pit by Tartarus. He felt her face, and locked them in his memory. It was exactly how he remembered, just much more soft, and full with water. Tears. He was about to tell it\'s okay when he remembered the man that helped him on his feet. The one with the smell of the sea. \"There is another person in here.\" It was more like a statement than a question.
Gaea nodded. Then she remembered he cannot see her nodding so she said in a soft voice. \"Yes.\" She looked at her three brothers and pulled Percy in his arms gently to each one of them. First Tartarus.
Percy touched his face, he had strong jaw, tensed lips, thick face but still handsome. He had very long hair, it reached at least to his butt. But he didn\'t have the smell like the sea. He smelled like the dead. Like Hades, but he wasn\'t Thanatos or Hades. \"Tartarus.\" Percy whispered his realization. \"Primordial of the Pit and The Underworld.\" When Percy felt the man\'s head going up and down and down and up – he was nodding – he guessed he was right.
Then Erebus.
Percy touched the second man\'s face. He had a small nose, thin lips with a slight smirk on them. He had perfectly matched face, not thin and not thick. His eyes were not big nor small. He didn\'t have smile wrinkles next to his eyes. He messy hair. He had a normal mortal smell but the darkness around him was undeniable. \"Erebus.\" Percy stated. \"Primordial of Darkness.\"
\"Kind of Obvious, isn\'t it?\" Eurbus joked. Percy laughed and nodded. Even for a blind man it was obvious that this man was the Darkness Lord. It was chilly around him, but Percy thought he was a nice guy.
Erebus was sorry Percy had to spend the rest of his life in his domain, darkness. Blind people are locked inside darkness, so at least he could put an eye on him while he was not around him.
Gaea pulled him to the next close Primordial. Pontus.
Percy knew that was the man who healed his wounds the moment he got close to him. The scent of the sea made his blind white eyes to tear up. But he put his hands on the man\'s face and tested him. His facial appearance – not the colors because Percy couldn\'t see the colors so he didn\'t know – were almost identical to his father\'s facial appearance. He had a smile on his face, he was tall. Something about 6\'5, he had smile wrinkles near his eyes. And his hair was short and smooth. \"Pontus, Primordial of the sea.\" Percy said in a shaky breath.
Pontus nodded and his smile widened.
\"Last but not least.\" Gaea squealed while pulling Percy to the final Primordial.
This man was defiantly handsome. Percy could sense it the moment he touched the man\'s face. He had big eyes, tiny nose, perfect lips and perfect face. He was like Aphrodite in a male. When he thought of Aphrodite his heart couldn\'t not to ache a little. She had become a good friend of him and he was now in a Pit while she was at nowhere he know, probably crying. He didn\'t want think about her like that. It hurt him. \"Eros.\" Percy mouthed his thoughts. He remebered when he and Aphrodite talked once he asked her who is the perfect boyfriend for her opinion, he expected her to say Ares reasoning he was her boyfriend. But she said Eros, \"Primordial of love.\"
\"Yep!\" Eros squealed popping the p\'. \"Now let\'s get the hell out of this place! The smell in here is killing me!\" Percy laughed and nodded. The smell was killing him too. although he was already dead. Wait? The fact that he is dead means that he\'s immortal? A ghost? Or worst: A Zombie?
Percy wanted to bow to the for Primordial deities and his great-grandmother in particular but he was he afraid he will hit his head, he cannot see a thing, what if there is a rock under him and might hurt himself. He wouldn\'t want that.
The Primordial teleported him to Hemera and Aether\'s house at the Void. The Primordial weren\'t as arrogant as the gods, the didn\'t have big palaces like the gods had at Olympus. They head simple houses at Utopia which they came to rest in once in a while. Hemera started to take care of Percy\'s wounds and the five other Primordial teleported themselves into the Olympian throne room. After meeting Percy, they were hungry for justice. They saw his eyes at the Poseidon cabin. Gaea saw his eyes closely when he stabbed her in the heart, doing what Zeus did to a pair of such beautiful eyes is a vile and cruel crime! None of them is going to let Zeus get out of it easily!
They landed at the throne room at Mount Olympus. Invisible to every eye but the Primordial\'s. Chaos, Ouranos, Nyx and Aether were still invisible, waiting for them. Ouranos was smart enough to assume that the moment the will see Percy;s eyes they will want revenge. And as any other time when it comes to his family, he was right.
The throne room was in complete chaos. No, not the guy. The situation. Poseidon was at his half way from making his almost unconscious brother to fade. Artemis was fighting her once to be best friend among the gods, Athena, to the death, Artemis seemed to not noticed what she was doing, and against Athena, who was always in control, believe it or not. It worked. Athena couldn\'t find any chance to make her move. She was pushed defensive. Apollo was fighting Hera, his eyes glittered as the sun drastically dimmed covered with clouds. Aphrodite and Ares, well, didn\'t look like the best couple in that moment, if trying to destroy each other counts not the best, Aphrodite\'s face were soaked with tears that kept streaming from her eyes as she fought Like crazy for vengeance. Hermes was beating the already unconscious Dionysus not ever aware that his already knocked out cold.
That continued for a little more until Hades thundered. \"That\'s ENOUGH!\" Everybody stopped mid-action. For Aphrodite it was it was kicking Ares\' crouch which made a number of gods to snicker. \"Thanatos!\" Hades bellowed.
It was only matter of seconds before the god of death stood in the middle of the room next to his master, his wings spread out of his back at their fool glory. Nirmally he only bows to Hades, but now he bowed to his master first then to Poseidon, Hestia, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hermes and Artemis. Of course he believed Percy was innocent! The guy risked his life to free him from his prison, if he was a traitor wouldn\'t have done it.
Yes, My Lord.\" He said, trying to act dry and emotionless but as death he really\" couldn\'t do it when one of his favorite souls had just drifted into Tartarus. He hoped Hades will let him go for a search after him inside the Pit.
\"I want you to search for Percy Jackson inside of Tartarus\" Hades rdered
Thanatos couldn\'t stop the pleased small grin from appearing on his lips. \"Yes, My L-\" he didn\'t get to finish his sentence.
\"No, you shall not!\" Zeus somehow managed to bellow with the small amount of air he had in his throat after Poseidon strangle him so hard.
\"Percy was nothing more than a traitor! He deserves this faith!\" This came from the most unpredictable source. Annabeth Chase.
\"How could you say that!\" Aphrodite screamed at the daughter of Athena. \"He jump into Tartarus for you! He would give his life for you in a heart bit and your thank you?! Saying he is a traitor?!\" Aphrodite shrunk to human size and walked threateningly at Annabeth. Aphrodite glowed pink, she grabbed Annabeth by her shirt and threw her across the room. Then she lunged herself at Annabeth who was gripping her head that spinned from the hit on the floor. \"Listen to me you back-stabbing-bitch. Percy was the kindest, most loyal and amazing person I ever met and if I hear you trash talking about him again, daughter of Athena, I will take your brain out of your head and throw it into the Hearth!\"
She nugged Annabeth again leaving her bleeding and unconsious on the throne room\'s floor. She walked next to Apollo and growled. \"Don\'t you dare to heal her.\"
Apollo took a distastful glance at Annabethh and Smirked to Aphrodite, \"I wouldn\'t think about it.\"
Aphrodite smirked with delight and Athena ran to her daughter\'s aid.
And Thanatos? Well, he simply shrugged it off. He whispered so no one but Hades could hear. \"I\'m on my way.\" Bowed to his master and flash out of the throne room leaving a fading dark fog in the place where he stood.
The Primordial were just about to reveal themselves when Hemera flashed next to them with Percy by her side. He had a grim on his face, his white eyes staring blanckly at nothing.
\"No.\" He told the Primordial.
Hemera sighed as the Primordial turned around to face them, not that Percy knew that. He heard the sound of jumping and sighing.
\"I know what are you planning to do.\" He told them. \"And I ask you not to do it.\" That left nine Primordial gods staring at them wide-eyed and another Primordial of the day smiling kindly at him. \"I know you won\'t to march into the throne room and scream the Hades on the gods. You want to let them know I am innocent, and believe me I want them to know too, but now it\'s too late. If they will find out now, they will be guilty for the rest of their lives, which is forever. And guilt is the worst punishment a person ca have, it eats you up from the inside. I don\'t want any of the gods will fade because of their guilt. And something tells me in my heart that they will have their punishment.\"
Gaea nodded. She knew all about guilt, it eaten her up for months until she had the chance to apologize and Perseus forgave her. Although she had a way to make them pay, she\'ll use the other side. An evil smirk apeared on her face and she told telephticly to the other Primordial about her plans. They all nodded and Erebus sighed loudly.
\"As you wish, Perseus, but I still want vangence.\"
Percy chuckled and smiled. It warmed his heart to see how much the Primordial care about him. He nodded. They can have their vangence, he simply hope they will choose not to.
Chaos flashed them all to the Void. And in the thorne another conflict had begun.
The Romans.
The gods needed to tell the Romans. But the moment Zeus turned into his Roman aspect: Jupiter, he felt the guilt of killing Perseus rushing into his heart and he quickly shifted back into his Greek aspect before his Roman one could take over his emotions.
Athena left to take care of Annabeth, while the other gods were trying – and failing – to have a civilized discussion about how they inform the Romans about Perseus.
\"Lupa should inform her about the situation. She\'s their goddess.\" Ares said.
\"Why she needs to take the burden of what YOU did?!\" Apollo sneered.
\"Father should be the one to get a speer in his chest for what he did! Not Lupa!\" Hermes screamed.
\"Why would the Romans be angry about killing this traitor?\" Came the voice of a very confused Demeter.
That only brought her a Trident to the throat. \"Speek about my son like this again and you\'ll find what it\'s like to have a Trident sunk into your skull.\"
Demeter only flinched back in her throne.
\"I say that we should do it all together in our Roman aspects.\" Said Hestia calmly. \"It\'s only what is right to do.\"
The other gods nodded in agreement to the suggestion, only Zeus who had tried to shift to his Roman aspect before turned pale, but as the other gods mouthed their agreement he had no choice.
They shifted into their Roman aspects, the ones who were angry before only got angrier, the ones who were sad filled with hatred. The ones who were convinced that Perct was a traitor felt like they had just got a ringing slap across the face. They only knew one thing. The Greeks will pay, each one of the Roman gods was filled with hatred for the Greek aspects in their heart. And they knew that if the Roman demigods would feel the same, it\'s was just the begining.
They flashed away.

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