The boarding school – Chapter 41 – Halloween – English special הפנימייה – פרק 41 – הלוואין – ספיישל אנגלית

Estonian 05/10/2011 871 צפיות 7 תגובות

This morning I woke up. Brazil and USA weren't at the room and I was so pleased when I understood that I woke up naturally this morning.
I got out of my bad and opened the door. Then I saw a creepy picture in front of my eyes. I saw monsters. Yes. Monsters.
I saw Frankenstein and a vampire and some zombies and even a Japanese butterfly.
– "What?!" I asked
"What what?" asked Frankenstein
"You can talk?"
"Of course. Don't your recognize my voice?"
"Wait a sec…"
I said. This voice was familier.
"You are Russia" I said.
"Why are you a Frankenstein?" I asked
"It's Haloween" He said "Don't you know what Haloween is?".
"Well, I don't know"
"So, Haloween is when you are wearing a costume and asking for candies. Where have you been in last Halloweens?".
"Well…" I said.
At the 31th to October last year Brazil made me faint of a ball… two years ago USA fed me in Mac-Don't-Bother-Us-In-Halloween.
"Halloween?" I answered "It explanes a lot".
"Hurry up, wear some costumes, ask for candies" Russia told me.
"I'll do that" I said.
He brought me an empty pumpkin and I was looking for Macs that USA left behind. I only find a Mac-Look-like-Justin-Biber. I ate it and I felt strange.
I went out, startet to pass through the doors and I knocked on them.
Sweden brought me some toffies and I brought her an autugraph.
Lithuania were a sluty cat costume. She brought me some chips-bags.
Belarus brought me a fake potato cause she loved the real ones too much.
Estonia brought me math homework and Hungary brought me some Gulash and healthy snacks. I gave them all to Estonia and he was as happy as a cat in a blender.
Armenia brought me a weird bread that she called "Lavashi". I decided to throw it cause I don't eat anything with the letter V in the middle.
All the boys were screaming everytime I was close to them and all the girls cried.
After the candy collection I ate them as fast as I can so no one could take it away from me.
After the meal I went down to the costiume competition.
I won the first place for the scariest costume and I puked all the little candies. Netherlands hurried up and collected them all.
Georgia didn't wear any costume but she won the seccond place.
After that we went to a tea party at UK's room.
Azerbaijan and Armenia were beating each over.
Belarus chased after Russia with a knife while Norway were flirtting with Australia.
Germany and Austria were busy eating strudels that their mother made.
I was pretty tired and I fell asleep in UK's room.
When I woke up I wasn't wearing any clothe on me and I was all blue from toothpaste.
"Damn!" I shouted.

תגובות (7)

like !!!!!!!!!!!!

05/10/2011 11:12

!!!likeeee I love this story… so funny and so interesting
good work! keep writing
(גם אם יש פה ושם שגיאות, זה לא שולל כלום XD)

05/10/2011 12:04

like!! but purim is the bassttt!! XD

05/10/2011 12:50

הייתי שמח אם תגידו לי גם איפה השגיאות.

05/10/2011 13:13

First of all – America should keep his name the way it is, you changed it to USA, although it's about the same thing.
Here are some of the mistakes I discovered:
Opedned -> Opened.
Creepy -> A creepy.
When you've been -> When have you been.
31st -> 31th.
Befor -> Before.
Made me to faint from a ball -> Made me faint of a ball.
Before two years USA fed me -> Two years ago USA (America) fed me.
It's explains -> It explains.
Mac's -> Macs ( in this specific situation ).
I find only -> I only found.
Went out and start passing throw the doors and I knocked on them -> I went out, started to pass through the doors and I knocked on them.
Lithuania was dressed up -> Lithuania were.
Math homwrok – Math homewrok.
So no one could took it away from me -> So no one could take it away from me.
After the eating -> After the meal.
I went down to the costime competition -> I went down to the costume competition.
I won in the first place -> I won the first place.
Hurry up -> Hurried up.
Georgia didn't wore -> Georgia didn't wear.
She won at the second place -> She won the second place.
Norway was flirt -> Norway were flirting.
Were busy in -> Were busy.
That their mother made them -> That their mother made.
I fall asleep -> I fell asleep.
I were without any close on me -> I wasn't wearing any cloth.
Damn! I shuted -> Damn! I shouted.

But after all – the story was incredible.

05/10/2011 13:38

תודה רבה סהר רק שלך הייתה טעות אחת – Flirting זה Flirtting. יש בזה הברה אחת ולכן צריך להכפיל את ה – t. ממש תודה רבה! (אמרתי לך שאתה הרבה יותר טוב ממני באנגלית).

05/10/2011 13:53

כן, לא שמתי לב. :)
אין בעד מה, אני מקווה שלא תמצא עוד פאשלות כמו זו ( אני לא חושב שיש עוד ).

05/10/2011 14:04
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