Slither Hix
מקווה שתהנו

The Death Fun chapter 3

Slither Hix 17/11/2018 465 צפיות אין תגובות
מקווה שתהנו

"There are two things people fear… those are death and embarrassment. Those who try to overcome death are just idiots, but I won't laugh at those who try to overcome their embarrassment. I like those kinds of idiots."
-Sakata Gintoki, Gintama-

We interrupt this episode of Finn Diskin: Hung Like a Kyuubi, to bring you a fresh new episode in the long saga that is the life of Jackie Clague.

The most determined girl on the planet. Jackie Clague, the red-haired girl with the freckles, glasses and weird interests that everyone like to pick on. She is about to get into some deep shit right now if she won't stop her nonsense.

"You are going to be in a big trouble if you keep bother me with this nonsense jokes" said Mr. Austin Campbell the principal. Mr. Campbell have seen many kinds of students during his thirty years in the education system. Lazy students, rude students, students on drugs and students that just wanted attention. But Jackie was a special case.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" said Jackie, crossing her arms and puffing her chest, to cover her insecurity and fear.

Mr. Campbell sigh and said "Jackie, just stop. This kind of, forgive me for my language, bullshit has to stop. You aren't just hurting your classmates, you're also hurting yourself and wasting my time. Repeat after me, there is no such thing as ghosts."

"But I got a proof this time!!" yelled Jackie. "You saw the photos, didn't you? You can clearly see five ghosts playing basketball on the school's court."

"The photos are empty" said Mr. Campbell. His face red from anger and the vein on his forehead is about to burst any moment. "Get out my office Jackie. I'll speak with your mother later, and we will decide what to do with you."

"But Mr. Campbell.."

"Out!!" yell Mr. Campbell, leaving Jackie no other choice but leave his office and face the consequences of punching another girl's in the face because she called you a nerd and laugh at the fact that you believe in ghosts. That's a face you don't want to see.

"Note to self, only people that can see ghost in real life can see them in photos" said Jackie. "And Katherine doesn't know how to dodge a fist."

"What's wrong Red, problem with the principal?"

Jackie could feel her eye twitching. She didn't need to look to the direction the voice came from. She already knew who is the dead son of a bitch talking to her.

"Go away."

"Come on Red, don't give me a cold shoulder" said the dead son of a bitch, or DSOB for short. "So, what if everybody thinks you're crazy and violent now? That Katherine girl deserves it."

"Just go away please" said Jackie. "I'm in a deep shit right now. I'm a Joke to everyone I know, Mr. Campbell wants to expel me and I'm one phone call away from being send to a mental institution. What do you even get from seeing me suffer?"

"Basically nothing" said DSOB with a smile. "But it's fun to see someone who isn't you suffer. Now if you excuse me, the girls volleyball team is going to hit the shower and I would like to watch them. See you tomorrow, Red."

'You are going to be very sad. I just need to find a way to make it happen' thought Jackie as she went to get her stuff from her locker. The locker right in front of her classroom that had the words 'Loser',
'Psycho' and 'Kill Yourself' written on it. Classic high school design.

'On the bright side, mental institution means no school.' Jackie got all her stuff out of her locker and shut it close. She was about to go until she noticed the note that was attached to the locker's door.

"What's that?" said Jackie, taking the note. "Finn Diskin. Psychic. Got problem with supernatural powers? Send an email to '[email protected]' and I'll come to you."

'Not funny' thought Jackie and then ripped the note to shreds, only to see similar notes on the other lockers. "That's weird, even for a joke."

So, Jackie decided to do what a reasonable person would have done in a situation like this and started to follow the trail of notes in order to find out who put them. The trail led Jackie right to entrance, where she saw a black-haired boy, wearing a t-shirt with a four-leaf clover, jeans and a pair of white gloves yelling at the vice principal and the security guard.

"Listen to me sir, all I did was posting my email address to get new customers for my exorcism business!" said the angry boy. "And I wasn't trespassing. It's a school! Who the fuck wants to even be here?!!"
"What to do with him sir?" asked the security guard.

"Let him go Joe. We already have one student with crazy ghost theories, we don't need another one" said the vice principal. The vice principal and the security guard left the boy alone. Perfect timing to further the plot.

"You are the one that put the note on my locker?" asked Jackie, approaching the weird boy.

"Finn Diskin, nice to meet" said the real main character. "You need my service, or can I go? I have important things to watch at home."

Jackie, although the rough day she had, took a deep breath, relax her muscles and said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but You are my only hope right now."

"I get that a lot" said Finn Diskin, the handsome protagonist with the amazing powers and mysterious past."

"That you are the only hope?"

"No, that they can't believe they are saying that."

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