When my world falls apart
I'm angry at the clock because it runs way too fast, and I don't have time.
Time is in need more than any other material that I can buy easily at the supermarket next to my house.
I cannot buy any. There are no more in the stores.
And time is running away, and I find myself, doing the worst things I could have done.
It maybe seems like I'm some kind of a genius, but actually, I'm scared. I am NOT a genius, though people think I am. All this stress gives me nothing but a vertigo.
I feel like everyone's eyes are pointed at me, and it nails me to the walls.
I feel like everything's becoming slowly but steady into a nightmare, and I cannot control it.
It feels like I'm in an everlasting test.
Probably that I would fail.
This is all that I feel when my world falls apart.
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