This is not a real story (Gladful it isn't), and I hoped you liked it although it's very sad.


Estonian 30/11/2012 1104 צפיות 4 תגובות
This is not a real story (Gladful it isn't), and I hoped you liked it although it's very sad.

"C'mon!" he said, trying to persuade me.
"No," I said decisively.
Then there was a short moment when he didn't add any other word.
"You're a nerd," he finally stated.
"Your lost."
"It's your lost."
"Whatever, bro," he said. "If I can even call you a bro."
"What now?"
"What?! you really don't get it, do you?"
"I just don't want to take…"
"Oh, you don't wanna take anything, right?" He asked scornfully.
I rolled my eyes.
"You know what my parents are gonna do if they'll find out," I said.
"I can't believe it," he said. "You became a nerd. Since when?"
The look he gave me was pure murder. I could recognize some doubts he had. I realized he didn't want to take it alone, let alone being catched. He was afraid of what will his parents might say if they find out.
I had my own doubts then. What kind of friend am I if I let him do that?
I had to find a way to dissuade him, but nothing came on mind.
I was in the middle of a crossroads which was too complicated for me.
"Tony, please, don't do that," I said. "It will hurt you."
"I don't care."
"You do care," I said. "Both of us know exactly that you do care."
"Shut up," he said angrily. "You're not my friend no more."
I looked at him. I was insulted though I knew that he is just saying that to make me do that, but I didn't plan to lose.
"Don't take it," I said. "What if you get addicted?"
"I don't care."
"Don't you see it? This kind of drugs cost a huge amounts of money! How will you pay for it?"
"I don't need to pay. It will be the first and last time ever."
"How can you tell?"
"Because I know. Believe me."
I looked at him with a look full with mercy.
"I don't want you to hurt yourself. I cannot see it happening," I said.
"I don't want to hear it," he said. "It's too late."
"So I'll take it away," I said, and caught the bag which was filled with a white powder, which could have been sugar, but everything inside of me was shouting, as if the powder was some kind of poision.
"Gimmie that!" he yelled, and punched me in the arm.
The hit was so strengthful that I was quite surprised and accidently dropped the small bag.
He took the bag as fast as the lightning in the winter time.
"Don't do that," I mumbled. "Please."
"I must to."
"I don't care," he said. "I'm gonna do it anyway."
"I'm giving up," I said, though it wasn't true. I walked away from the aveniue where we were hiding, and called the number.
The police officeres were coming much faster than I hoped they would, but it was too late.
I thought that Tony was about to take drugs just as a youthful rebellion. Maybe to hurt his parents. I didn't notice the total amount of drugs that were inside of the bag. He took it all.
Then I realized that he didn't try to do anything but commiting a suicide by taking overdose, and I failed as a best friend that I didn't even notice that he was broken. Oh, in that moment I wanted to kill myself either for being such a jerk to my friend, and instead of making him give up of the drugs, I should have shown him how important he is to me.

תגובות (4)

יאיי ! חזרתיייי3: ועכשיו על הסיפור:
1. יש לך אוצר מילים מעולה
2. זה ממש מזכיר לי מקרה שקרה לחברה שלי ..אז התחברתי לזה נורא
3. המסר אדיר והלוואי שעוד אנשים יקראו את זה ! (=

30/11/2012 11:10

תודה רבה! שמח שאהבת !

30/11/2012 11:19

נרשמתי לאתר הזה לא מזמן אבל קראתי פה הרבה לפני שנרשמתי, ואני חייבת לציין שיש לך כתיבה מדהימה ויוצאת דופן, תענוג לקרוא את מה שאצה כותב.
ואני מאוד אוהבת סיפורים עצובים, אני אוהבת להזדהות איתם, לפי דעתי, סיפורים ושירים עצובים מרגשים יותר ומשאירים לך הרגשה מיוחדת כזאת, אי אפשר ממש לתאר את זה.
בכ"מ, תמשיך לכתוב פה, הכתיבה שלך מעלה את הרמה שלך האתר הזה.
לילה טוב ושבת שלום D:

30/11/2012 16:37

תודה רבה לך! אני ממש שמח שאהבת!

01/12/2012 00:09
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