אני אעלה פרקים כמה שיותר בתכיפות אבל אני לא מבטיחה להיות עקבית, תגיבו דרגו והכי חשוב... תהנו :)

Medicine (18+)-Episode 1

23/11/2014 1791 צפיות 2 תגובות
אני אעלה פרקים כמה שיותר בתכיפות אבל אני לא מבטיחה להיות עקבית, תגיבו דרגו והכי חשוב... תהנו :)

הסיפורים יכיל תוכן מיני, אני מבינה לגמרי שאנשים מתחת לגיל הזה יקראו את הסיפור ואין לי שום בעיה עם כך. אני רק רוצה לוודא שאתם מבינים שתכנים מיניים יכללו בסיפור ואני חושבת שזו חובתי להזהיר אתכם, אני מקווה בכל זאת שתהנו מהסיפור.
הוא יכתב לגמרי באנגלית ואני פתוחה לביקורת אפילו נוקשה, אני אשאר אנונימית לבנתיים ואולי בהמשך אני אחשוב על "לחשוף את זהותי האמיתית".
בכל מקרה חפרתי לכם, הנה הפרק הראשון :)

“You told me the party started at ten o’clock!” I shouted through the phone with Zoey on the other end, she laughed at something and when she caught her breath replayed,
“When people say ten o’clock, they mean half past ten. You should have known that by now.” I counted to ten quietly in my head, trying not to shout at her.
“Well, what am I supposed to do for half an hour?” I asked as calmly as I could, she snorted and exhaled loudly.
“Beats me, try walking around or something. I’ll be there at half past ten, try socializing with people.” She clicked off, I sighed and leaned against the brick wall of the building beside me.
“You ok?” Someone asked me, I turned to look at them. To my left was a handsome guy, he wore a plain gray T-shirt and ripped blue jeans. He had a box of energy drinks with both hand, he looked right at me with concern in his eyes.
“Yeah, just waiting for this party my friend is dragging me to.” I said with a fake smile.
“Well, she’s dragging you to my party. Want to help me set it up? I’m Johnathan.” HE offered his hand, balancing the box on his knee.”
“Alex, well Alexandra, but call me Alex.” I said and shook his hand, I straightened up and wiped dust off of my skinny jeans.
“Well Alex, you mind opening that door for me?” He asked and gestured to the door on his right, I nodded quickly. I opened the door as he walked in, inside was a simple apartment.
“Nice place you have here Johnathan.” I said and leaned against the door frame, I repositioned the bag strap on my shoulder.
“Thanks, I like it very much too. And call me John, only my parents call me Johnathan.” He said and set the box on a kitchen counter.
“Well John,” I said and walked to the counter “Anything I can help with?” I asked and put my bag on the counter beside the box.
“Well I have a few more boxes with some snacks and drinks, in for some heavy lifting?” He asked with a smile and wiped a little bit of sweat from his forehead.
“No problem, I lift weights in the gym. Should be child’s play.” I said with a smile and he laughed.
“Well, they’re in my car.” He said and pointed to the open door, he walked around the counter and I followed him to the car.
“So why are we partying?” I asked as he popped the trunk and picked up a box of soft drinks.
“I’m about to finish my first year in med school, isn’t it a good enough reason to celebrate?” He asked and I picked up a snack box.
“Guess it is, I’m starting med school next year actually. Any way I could persuade you to tutor me?” I asked and he thought for a second.
“Could think of a couple of things, you don’t look like a high school senior.” He closed the trunk and we walked back to the flat.
“I just look young, believe me it’s annoying.” I said and he opened the apartment door.
“I had the same problem, but I was actually young. I skipped second grade.” He kicked the door open, we set down the boxes in the kitchen.
“So, you’re my age then?” I leaned against the counter and he got two glasses from a cupboard, he filled them with water and handed one of them to me.
“Guess so, being little is annoying. Everyone thinks they are better, or smarter. But I show them I’m the smartest.” He took a sip from his glass.
“Way to be modest.” I said and took a sip as well.
“I’m sorry, but I really am. I just hope that my professor will kick out everyone who fails the next exam, so many stupid people get into these classes with connections.” He left the glass on the counter and opened one of the boxes.
“I get it, my class had a lot of idiots in it.” I looked around his living room, it had a brown sofa and a flat screen TV. A game console peaked behind it, games were neatly placed on a shelf above it.
“X-BOX or PS?” I asked and turned back to him, he smiled at me and continued unpacking.
“X-BOX, you?” He asked, I turned back to the living room.
“X-BOX too, but more on PC.” He chuckled and exhaled.
“Good for you, so high school… Glad it’s over or sad to leave?” He put the soft drinks in the fridge and unboxed the snacks.
“Glad it’s over, although people always tell me I’m going to miss it. As if.” I snorted and he laughed.
“Well people will be getting here soon, you want to play something in the meantime?” He took out bowls from the cupboard and set them on the counter.
“Sure, why not.” I said with a smile which he returned. “What games do you have?” I continued, he picked out a game from the shelf.
“How about this?” He asked, he handed me the game and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Street Fighters, oh you’re going down.” I said and handed it back to him.
“Well well well.” He said and handed me one of the controllers.
“Played this game for years, I don’t think you stand a chance.” I said and sat down on the couch while he turned the TV on, he put the CD in and sat down beside me.
“We’ll see then, choose wisely.” He said and the game loaded up on the monitor, we played so competitively we didn’t even notice people started to come in.
“Told you!” I said with a grin when my fatality K.Oed his character and I won.
“Well sorry for underestimating you Alex.” He said leaning back in his seat, I put the controller on the arm of the sofa and got up.
“Here you are Alex! I was looking all over for you!” It was Zoey shouting from behind me, she took me by the arm and pulled me away from Jonathan.
“You know I hate it when you do that!” I said and pulled my arm from her grip.
“What the hell Alex?!” She asked and threw her hands in the air.
“What did I do now?” I asked impatiently “I socialized like you wanted!” I calmed myself and counted to ten.
“Why with him?” She asked and looked at John.|
“Cause he was here when you weren’t, what’s your problem?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest, she put her hands over her lips.
“He’s taken Al, you should know.” She said and my widened with surprise.
“It didn’t look like it, he flirted and didn’t act taken at all.” I said and pushed back my hair.
“Well he is, your luck she isn’t here to see it.” She said and took a deep breath.
“I’m not afraid of a little overly attached girlfriend.” I said with a quick hand gesture.
“Suit yourself, I won’t be a shoulder to cry on later.” She said and started walking away.
“What does that supposed to mean?” I shouted at her over the blasting music, she couldn’t hear me.
“You’re very good at hiding Alex, you’d make a really good sniper.” John said from near me, he had a bright smile on his face.
“You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.” I said and his eyes widened.
“I didn’t think it was relevant, who told you?”
“That’s not important, why lie to me?”
“I didn’t lie, you didn’t ask. Why is it bothering you so much?” Half shouting I answered
“Because, I don’t know, you sent signals.”
“Well I’m not sure what that means, but if it bothers you I’ll say I don’t care for her anymore. I’m thinking of ending it, are you happy?” I stood there shocked, he looked straight into my eyes.
“I… I’m sorry.” I said and he looked away, I looked at the floor and when I looked up again he wasn’t there anymore. My eyes started to water and I went to the kitchen to get my bag, heading to the exit Zoey stopped me.
“Where are you going?” She asked, she had a drink in her hand. It was spiked with vodka by the smell of it, my nose wrinkled and I looked to the door.
“Home, I have a test tomorrow. A big one, do you have a ride?”
“I can manage. But why so soon?”
“Have to study, see you tomorrow.” I turned to the door and her goodbye was swallowed by the noise behind me.

תגובות (2)

כל הכבוד לך על היוזמה! זה רעיון ממש טוב! קראתי את הכמה שורות ראשונות ואני יכולה לראות שזה סיפור מוצלח, כתוב בשפה טובה ולא היו טעויות במה שאני קראתי.
אני לא מבטיחה שאני אקרא את כל הסיםור או הפרקים, זה לוקח לי הרבה זמן לקרא באנגלית, אבל אני אשתדל… בכל אופן מדרגת 5

23/11/2014 01:32

וואו זה נשמע כמו סיפור ממש טוב!
מאיפה לקחת את האומץ ?
ואני ממש שמחה כי רוב הסיפורים שקראתי כאן באנגלית היו כתובים בטעויות, והיו משעממים להחריד.
בכל מקרה אני ממש אהבתי !!

16/09/2015 15:04
15 דקות
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