I will be popular – chpater 2

Estonian 10/11/2011 877 צפיות 7 תגובות

I was shaking while I was speaking infront of the studients in the classroom.
Most of them didn't even look at me, and the others were looking at me with glazde eyes.
Jamie was talking after me. I really didn't understand what he was talking about but he gave us all the reasons why not to vote for him.
Of caurse when the lesson was over I heard kids repeat my words with a mocking voice. I knew it'll happed but I didn't know that it's gonna be that hard.
In that day even Carter couldn't make me feel better.
I wished at the moment that magicly everyone will love me. Somehow.
I can't be that looser.

Tomorrow brought with him a new sunlight that filtered through the blinds.
It was the election day and my expectation was lower than ever.
I didn't want to eat so I just sat on the cauch and listen to music. Carter was calling to me to wish me luck.
At the time, I went to the bus station where Jamie was waiting.
"Oh, Hello!" He said and gave me a high-five, like I've never got.
"Hello?" I asked him.
"Was'up dude" He asked me.
I really didn't know why suddenly he is nice to me but it wasn't so nice from my point of view.
"So, the calssfictions to the soccer team is getting closer" He started.
"And…?" I asked
"You'll try?"
I looked at him, confiused. Since when do he care or since when do I play soccer.
"You are one of the greatest players, you'll be chosen" said Jamie.
"I'm not even playing" I said.
The bus arrived and brought the end of our weird conversaition.
At school lots of people started to whisle to me and wave to me.
Like, I'm popular.
What's wrong with people? Are they trying to annoy me? To humilate me?
I didn't know what they wanted so I just ignored.

תגובות (7)

סיפור ממש יפה! אתה משתפר מיום ליום!
האם אתה מעוניין שאני אתקן מספר דברים? יש פה מספר שגיאות כתיב ודיקדוק.
מה שכן, אתה משתמש הרבה בזמן עבר מתמשך, וזה קצת מפריע לראות שוב ושוב… תנסה להשתמש בזמן מושלם עבר, או זמן מושלם הווה, זה ייתן גוון נוסף לסיפור.

תגיד לי אם אתה מעוניין שאני אפרט. כל הכבוד! המשך להתאמץ ולכתוב באנגלית!!!
ממני: ליסה.

11/11/2011 08:07

אני אשמח אם תתקני אותי ואני צריך הסבר על זמן מושלם עבר כי אני לא יודע מה זה. תודה מראש

11/11/2011 08:23

יש לך סקייפ? (אני שואלת מפני שיהיה לי מאוד מאוד קשה לתקן את ה-כ-ל כאן, אז אולי עדיף לתקן בצ'ט או משהו כזה).
אשמח לתקן מה שצריך, ולהסביר מה שצריך.

12/11/2011 00:03

כו,ברור שיש לו…..

12/11/2011 00:04

יש לי סקייפ – or.luski1

שוב תודה

12/11/2011 00:11

ומראש אני אומר, אין לי מיקרופון

12/11/2011 00:12

אני לא מוצאת אותך, תוסיף אותי: thewhatbird

12/11/2011 09:41
3 דקות
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