האנגלית שלי לא מושלמת אבל אני מנסה לעבוד עליה ואני אוהבת לכתוב דמייני (אני מתרגמת מאנגלית לעברית או כותבת מקוריים באחת מהן) אז.... כן.

10th doctor imagine

מספרת333 23/07/2016 1654 צפיות אין תגובות
האנגלית שלי לא מושלמת אבל אני מנסה לעבוד עליה ואני אוהבת לכתוב דמייני (אני מתרגמת מאנגלית לעברית או כותבת מקוריים באחת מהן) אז.... כן.

You were sitting next to the console, doing nothing. Well, you did something. You were thinking. About him. God, how much you love him. You love him so much, but he doesn\'t see you as more than a friend and that kills you every time you see him. His beautiful face, his sad eyes and the big smile meant to hide the pain in his lonely, sad life. You loved him for being there for you, for taking you under his wing and protect you. When you first met, he had rose. There was an alien, some sort-of a big, green pig with red eyes and they wore a suit. Everyone were running, and so did you, until you heard a voice…
– flashback-
\"Okay, I think we lost them\" a man\'s voice said. You sigh. Stupid people! Try to prove they are brave. You pulled out a paper spray and turned back to go and help them. You ran to them. \"Hello, idiots, are you trying to die?! Those… things get you any second! Come with me if you want to live. And if you don\'t want to live, I know a really good psychologic\" you said. \"Those things are aliens, and they called pigoratus. And no, no, we lost them for shore\" the man said. \"Or maybe not!\" the woman said and pointed on some of those c that walked right toward you. The man grabbed your hand and said one simple word that changed your life forever. \"Run\".
So you ran. \"I\'m the doctor by the way\" he said while running, \"and this is Rose. And you?\" he said. \"(Y\\N)\" you said, \"and who exactly are you, risking your girlfriend to prove you are brave?!\" you yelled. Both blushed. \"Oh, well… you see, kicking aliens ass it\'s kind of our thing\" Rose said. \"Well if I am going to die because I went to help you I am going to kick YOUR asses\" you said. \"Well, you chose to come\" the doctor said. You turned around and sprayed the aliens. \"That would hold them back for a while\" you said, keep running, \"You said you are a doctor, doctor for what?\" you asked. Keep talking helped you ignore the pain in your legs. \"Well, anything you need\" he said. You rolled your eyes, \"whatever\" you muttered. \"Okay, get inside, you\'ll be safe there, and HURRY UP\" the doctor said and pointed at a police box. \"What?! It\'s a fucking old police box, how can that keep me safe?!\" you yelled. He let go of your hand and pushed you inside. \"Rose, explain her, I\'ll go face the pigoratus\" you heard him says. \"It\'s bigger on the inside\" you whispered. \"Yup, this is the TARDIS. It\'s a spaceship that can travel thought time and space\" Rose said. \"Oh. Completely normal\" you said, laughing, \"So… I like talking about dating, and I need a distraction, so… tell me about you and the doctor! How long are you two dating?\" you asked. \"Well, it\'s complicated. We are nothing official, but… you know\" she said, smiling. \"Well you should talk to him about that, because you two are obviously in love\" you said. She laugh, \"And how about you? Any love life?\" she asked. \"Well there\'s this guy… his name is Brayan, and…\" you started, and you two kept talking for something like 15 minutes, than the doctor came back. You gave him your address, and he gave you a ride to there. You never thought you\'ll see him again, but you did, and that was the time you become his companion.
-Another flashback-
\"(Y\\N)?\" you heard a familiar voice. You turned around. \"Doctor?\" you asked. He nod. \"It\'s been a while…\" he said. You heard a shout. \"Oh-oh… they found me. RUN!\" he said, grabbed your hand and dragged you. \"So… are those the pigora-something again?\" you asked, running. \"No. This time it\'s an Ositcaptulecales\" he said. \"The ositcaptu-what?!\" you yelled. \"The Ositcaptulecales. They are aliens. With a better sense of smell than a white bear, and he have the best sense of smell on this planet!\" he said, \"and well, they are seeing trough their s sense of smell…\" he muttered. You smiled. \"Then let\'s blur your smell\" you said and took a deodorant out of your bag. You pulled him to face you and left his hand. \"Close your eyes\" you said and sprayed A LOT of deodorant. \"And for final touch…\" you muttered and pulled a shrubbery Breath Freshener. You smiled. It was kind of fun. \"Open your mouth\" you said, and he did just that. You sprayed some to his mouth. \"That\'s it!\" you smiled. You kept running, than noticed the steps of the Ositcaptulecales stopped. \"You are brilliant!\" the doctor said and pulled you into a hug than kissed your forehead. \"Rose wouldn\'t like that\" you smiled, \"were is she, by the way?\" You kept walking toward the TARDIS. \"Well, she is a Pharrell universe with her family. She is… very happy there, I think\" he said, like it doesn\'t bothering him, but you saw it is. \"Oh, sorry to hear\" you said. \"It\'s ok\" he said, \"I mean… she have a human version of me to grow old with, that must be very… good, you know. If she is happy than I am happy\" he said and smiled a weak smile. \"Wait, a human version? Aren\'t you human?\" you said, shocked. \"No, I am a time lord. I have two hearts\" he repaid. The rest of the walking you spend quit. \"So, are you still living at the same place? I\'ll give you a ride\" he said. \"Well actually I just lost my job\" you said, smiling a sad smile, \"so I moved and now I share an apartment with the only girl in this universe I latterly want to kill cause it was the only place I could afford\" you said. \"Well, you can always come with me\" he said. \"Come with you?\" you asked. \"Yes, be my new companion, travel with me through time and space! Now that Donna forgot me – long story, I\'ll tell you later if you\'ll come with me – I need help and you are brilliant, (Y\\N)\" he explained. You smiled. \"Yea, I\'d love too\" you said.
-not a flashback-
\"(Y\\N)!\" you heard his voice and woke up from your thoughts. \"Oh, hi doctor\" you said and looked at him. He looked so handsome in his tuxedo. \"Change! We are going to a ball at old day\'s French! I got signals from the TARDIS radar and they are going to need our help\" he said while checking the sonic screwdriver. \"Okay doctor\" you smiled. He smiled back. You walked to the closed and picked one lovely (F\\C) dress. \"I\'m ready, doctor\" you smiled and walked toward him. \"You look lovely\" he smiled while you walked out of the TARDIS. \"You look not bad at yourself\" you blushed. You walked inside the ball to a new adventure, another adventure that you are going to fall for him ever more. Perfect.

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